Outras atividades

2024 - Creative Tourism Workshop, Kavala, Greece, 9-10 March 2024. Organized by the CREATOUR Observatory for Kavala Local Development Agency. Co-organizer. Trainer-facilitators: Tiago Vinagre de Castro and Sílvia Silva. Co-organized with T. Vinagre de Castro and S. Silva.

2024 - Expert reviewer of book proposal submitted to Routledge.

2024 - Expert reviewer of project proposal submitted to the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

2024 - Exposição Bibliográfica, exhibition of CREATOUR publications and materials, organized by Biblioteca Norte|Sul in collaboration with the CREATOUR Observatory, CES, 5-31 January 2024.

2024 - Peer re-review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2024 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2024 - Peer review of article submitted to Local Environment journal.

2024 - Screening of CREATOUR documentary, CREATOUR: Turismo Criativo Portugal, and discussion at CES, January 31, 2024. Co-organized with S. Silva.

2023 - Expert reviewer of book proposal submitted to Edward Elgar Publishing.

2023 - Hosted Visiting Researcher, Dr. Alys Longley, University of Auckland, New Zealand, at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal, October 2023.

2023 - Hosted Visiting Researcher, Dr. Kruno Kardov, University of Zagreb, Croatia, at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal, April to June 2023.

2023 - Invited presentation, "Research as catalyst? CREATOUR and IN SITU, place-based research-and-application projects in non-urban areas" in "In conversation with Nancy Duxbury and Pam Hall" session at the Creative City Summit, "You Are Here: At the Intersections of Creativity, Culture, and Place," St. John's, NL, organized by the Creative City Network of Canada, October 5, 2023.

2023 - Invited public talk, "Creative enterprises in regions on the edge: Exploring the viability and vitality of cultural and creative practice," organized by Department of Geography, University of Galway, Ireland, November 23, 2023, in the context of the IN SITU project.

2023 - Invited to session on "Placemaking - Breathing life back into our towns and cities" at the 10th National Business Post Property Summit 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 28 November 2023

2023 - Keynote address, "Creative tourism approaches, influences, and shifting perspectives," in Enhancement of European Rural Development Capabilities Conference, ENERDECA project, Pella, Greece, October 31, 2023.

2023 - Participant and representative of IN SITU project at EU Rural Pact Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, May 2-4, 2023. The conference was arranged in close dialogue with the Government Offices of Sweden and the European Commission.

2023 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends.

2022 - Expert reviewer of project proposal submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland.

2022 - Invited keynote presentation on "Creative Tourism: Basic Concepts and Successful Practices," in "From 'what?' to 'how?': Developing a common understanding on creative tourism and resource interpretation in the context of rural development," Seminar in the context of the Transnational CLLD/LEADER Cooperation Project "ENERDECA II - Enhancement of European Rural Development Capabilities," organized by Kavala Development Agency S.A., Greece, February 8, 2022.

2022 - Invited presentation, "Creative tourism: Insights from the CREATOUR project in Portugal," within the conference-debate on the thematic "Culture, Economy and Sustainable Tourism," presented to the regional CULTURAT strategic plan coordinators/stakeholders of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, Quebec, Canada. Organized within the Leading Cities programme of the Agenda 21 for Culture, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), November 22, 2022.

2021 - Artful Conversations - Episode 1, podcast interview, produced by the Creative City Network of Canada and MacEwan University. Made available online 14 February 2021.

2021 - Expert reviewer for Research and Innovation Support and Advancement (RISA), National Research Foundation, South Africa

2021 - Expert reviewer of book proposal (a) submitted to Routledge.

2021 - Expert reviewer of book proposal (b) submitted to Routledge.

2021 - Expert reviewer of paper submissions to INVTUR conference

2021 - Expert reviewer of paper submissions to the conference "TWINE - Co-creating sustainable rural tourism experiences with food & wine, local culture, landscapes, and people," University of Aveiro

2021 - Expert reviewer of project proposal submitted to the Marsden Fund Council, New Zealand

2021 - Expert reviewer of project proposal submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland

2021 - Invited guest speaker for a series of four "Regional Dialogue Sessions" of the Creative City Network of Canada, via Zoom. February 25 - Central (Ontario/Quebec); March 2 - Prairies (Manitoba/Saskatchewan); March 5 - West (Alberta/British Columbia); March 11 - Atlantic/Newfoundland and Labrador.

2021 - Invited integration into the project network of "Detour: Destinations - Wellbeing Tourism Opportunities for Regions" (Erasmus+)

2021 - Invited presentation, "Culture, sustainability, and transition," contributing to panel on "New Policies and System Change" in "Climate Culture: The Art of Becoming Sustainable" interdisciplinary conference (hybrid event), co-organized by Onassis Cultural Center (Athens, Greece) and Julie's Bicycle, June 7, 2021. Panel video online.

2021 - Invited speaker/facilitator for special session on "Mapeamento Cultural / Cultural Mapping" in international conference "Estruturas de Criatividade | Structures for Creativity," held at New Hand Lab, Covilhã, organized by Direção Regional de Cultura do Centro, Portugal.

2021 - Participation in public session on cultural and creative tourism trends (with Greg Richards and Carlos Santos [OTA]), organized within the context of the CREATOUR Azores project, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, November 24, 2021.

2021 - Peer review of article (a) submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2021 - Peer review of article (b) submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2021 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends.

2021 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Scholarly and Research Communication.

2021 - Peer review of article submitted to Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences (Thailand).

2020 - Creative City Network of Canada / MacEwan University podcast interview with Annetta Latham, MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB, Canada, November 19, 2020.

2020 - Expert reviewer of book proposal submitted to Palgrave Macmillan.

2020 - Expert reviewer of internship programme proposal submitted to MITACS / ACCELERATE program, Canada, November 2020.

2020 - Expert reviewer of paper submissions to INVTUR conference, 2020

2020 - Expert reviewer of paper submissions to "Mapping and Understanding Creative and Cultural Ecologies in European local development" virtual conference and proposed special issue of European Urban and Regional Studies

2020 - Invited participation as a member of a panel of experts selecting projects for 3 artistic residencies within a new artistic creation program (planned to launch in 2020) to be held within Ci.CLO Bienal and a network of Portuguese Municipalities and cultural structures. The program aims to produce a series of photographic projects on innovative and experimental initiatives that are being developed by the Municipalities, which can document the sustainable development strategies being implemented in the territory.

2020 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends.

2020 - Peer review of article submitted to Historical Geography.

2019 - Expert reviewer of internship proposal submitted to MITACS / ACCELERATE program, Canada, May 2019.

2019 - Invited contributor to ISCTE-IUL Winter School: O Lugar da Cidade (1ª edição), "A Mouraria - observar, avaliar, agir - um projeto participativo" (3 ECTs), 14-25 January 2019, Lisbon. Co-organized by: ISCTE-IUL, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior, and Associação Renovar a Mouraria. Coordinator: Jorge Barreto Xavier (ISCTE-IUL)

2019 - Invited expert to review Zero Draft of the ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group's "Outline of Climate Change and Cultural Heritage" report, which aims to comprehensively scope the intersection of cultural heritage and climate change and also to inventory the impacts climate change is having on all types of heritage.

2019 - Member of selection jury for CREATOUR Azores post-doctorate researcher, 2019

2019 - Member of selection jury for URBiNAT project manager, 2019

2019 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends.

2019 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2019 - Peer review of article submitted to International Planning Studies.

2019 - Peer review of article submitted to Sustainability Science.

2019 - Public presentation (with Silvia Silva) on CREATOUR at "Oeste Creative Tourism," organized by Silos Contentor Criativo, Caldas da Rainha, April 27, 2019.

2019 - Public presentation (with Tiago Castro), "CREATOUR: Inovando o desenvolvimento local com o turismo criativo," Department of Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, May 9, 2019.

2019 - Public presentation, "The CREATOUR project: Creative tourism destination development in small cities and rural areas," and public screening of CREATOUR documentary, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, December 10, 2019.

2019 - Reviewer of presentation proposals submitted to the ENCATC Education and Research Session 2019, Dijon, France (4 October 2019)

2019 - Teacher of "Cultural Sustainability" course, master's level, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, and delivered in conjunction with University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku, Finland

2018 - Guest Lecture on "Cultural mapping as cultural inquiry" for PhD programme on Cities and Urban Cultures, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal, April 13, 2018.

2018 - Interview about CREATOUR and rural/regional development with Bojan Furst, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

2018 - Member of selection jury for 2 URBiNAT post-doctorate researchers, 2018

2018 - Participation in presentation of CREATOUR at BTL (national tourism trade fair), Lisbon, as guest of Centro Region, Portugal, March 2018.

2018 - Peer review of article submitted to CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios.

2018 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends

2018 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2018 - Peer review of article submitted to Joelho - Journal of Architectural Culture.

2018 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

2018 - Teacher of "Cultural Sustainability" course, master's level, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

2017 - Participation in presentation of CREATOUR at BTL (national tourism trade fair), Lisbon, as guest of Centro Region, Portugal, March 2017.

2017 - Peer review of article submitted to Cultural Trends

2017 - Peer review of article submitted to Economic Geography.

2017 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Cleaner Production.

2017 - Peer review of article submitted to Street Art and Urban Creativity Scientific Journal

2017 - Teacher of "Cultural Sustainability" course, master's level, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, delivered in conjunction with University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku, Finland.

2016 - Expert reviewer of a book proposal submitted to University of Westminster Press, 2016

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to City, Culture and Society.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Cleaner Production.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Rural Studies.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Urban Management.

2016 - Peer review of article submitted to the international journal, Barents Studies: Peoples, Economies and Politics.

2015 - Expert reviewer of a book proposal submitted to Routledge, 2015

2015 - Invited expert to discuss issues related to the valuation of culture, Policy Research Group of Strategic Policy, Planning and Research - Department of Canadian Heritage, Ottawa, Canada, June 2015.

2015 - Peer review of article submitted to City, Culture and Society.

2015 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy.

2015 - Peer review of article submitted to Journal of Urban Affairs.

2015 - Peer review of article submitted to Sustainable Development journal.

2015 - Peer review of article submitted to the international journal, Barents Studies: Peoples, Economies and Politics.

2015 - Review of manuscript sent to CES e-Cardernos.

2015 - Teacher in "Cultural Sustainability" course, at Unit for Cultural Policy/Politics Research, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

2014 - Expert reviewer of a book proposal submitted to Routledge, 2014

2014 - Peer review of article submitted to Canadian Journal of Media Studies, 2014

2014 - Research advice to doctoral student, Griffith University, Queensland, 2014

2014 - Teacher in pilot "Cultural Sustainability" course, master's level. Collaborating programmes/institutes and universities were: Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal; Unit for Cultural Policy/Politics Research, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland; and Master's in Cultural and Media Management, Jagiellonian University, Poland.

2013 - Advisor to research proposal 'Communicating Water Sustainability Research in Diverse Communities: An Art-Science-Education Collaboration for T'maki Makaurau Auckland', to develop and test a model for generating education, awareness discussion and debate around issues of water sustainability with specific Auckland communities and schools (PI: Charlotte Sunde, University of Auckland, New Zealand).

2013 - Invited guest lecturer on "Cityness and citizenship" for Democracy and Urban Life course, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, October 10, 1013. (C. Fortuna, professor)

2013 - Invited Participant Observer ('Observadore participante') for 'Arte e Universidade' (Art and University) assembly, Colégio das Artes, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 30 May 2013.

2013 - Invited participant to e-discussion on the integration of culture in future international policies for sustainable development, organized by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDP and UNESCO. Jointly moderated by the Millennium Development Goal Fund (MDG-Fund) and UNESCO, 5-19 March 2013.

2013 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, July 2013.

2013 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, October 2013.

2013 - Peer review of article submitted to the journal Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series (Poland).

2013 - Peer review of article submitted to the journal The International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context.

2013 - Peer review of three articles submitted to the journal City, Culture and Society (and revisions), special issue on "The Sustainable City and the Arts"

2013 - Presentation on CES internship supervised (Regina Milheiro) within the 'Estágios de Integração na Investigaçao' initiative at CES, at Investigar no CES: viver experiências (IV), 3 July 2013

2012 - Expert reviewer of funding application for Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2012 - Invited lecturer on careers in cultural policy in CMNS 334 'Cultural Policy" class (Dr. Alison Beale, prof.), School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 20 Jan 2012.

2012 - Organizer of 'O meu Mondego' exhibit at the Museu da Água de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, March 2012. Organized for World Water Day, 22 March 2012, in conjunction with the project 'A água como património'.

2012 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development

2012 - Peer review of article submitted to Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy

2012 - Peer review of article submitted to The International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context

2012 - Peer review of article submitted to the journal Local Environment.

2012 - Peer review of article submitted to the Journal of Sustainability Science & Management (Malaysia)

2012 - Review of manuscript sent to CES e-Cardernos.

2011 - Invited participant to undergraduate class on "Governance of cohesion and diversity in urban contexts" (Coord. Sebastian Mehling), Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 10 Nov 2011.

2011 - Participant in International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA) workshop on New Metropolitan Mainstream project, Berlin, March 31-April 3, 2011.

2011 - Participante convidada no workshop "International Monitoring and Comparative Research in Arts Education - reporting for UNESCO", organizado pela UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning, Queen's University (Canadá), Hong Kong Institute of Education (Hong Kong) e UNESCO Chair for Arts and Culture in Education, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Alemanha), em cooperação com a Comissão Alemã para a UNESCO.

2011 - Peer review of article submitted to European Urban and Regional Studies journal

2011 - Peer review of article submitted to International Journal of Cultural Policy

2011 - Peer review of manuscript sent to CES e-Cardernos.

2011 - Research advice to doctoral student in the PhD program in Sociology on 'Cities and Urban Cultures', University of Coimbra.

2011 - Research advice to master's student in 'Arts in Global Communications' program, The American University of Paris.

2010 - Expert reviewer of internship proposal for MITACS / ACCELERATE program, University of British Columbia

2010 - External advisor of a report by M. Bedham (University of Melbourne, Australia) for the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance: 'The Menace of Measurement: a discussion paper for arts indicators in Saskatchewan'

2010 - Peer review of article submitted to Regional Studies Journal

2010 - Research supervisor and managing editor/coordinator: Within the 'International Observatory for Local Policies of Social Inclusion' project: Supervised development of six new cases from Canada (2), Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, and Australia. Revised two old cases from Canada and the United States. Formatted and standardized all cases (64 total), and copyedited all English-language cases prior to submission to UCLG.

2009 - Critical review of the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW) Domain Report on "Arts, Culture and Recreation / Leisure" for The Atkinson Charitable Foundation, Toronto, Canada.

2009 - Peer review of article submitted to Local-Global journal, special issue on 'Regenerating Community,' RMIT University, Australia.