Publicações de Investigadoras/es
Artigo em Revista Científica
Maia Pratas, Matilde; Dias, João Paulo; Ferreira da Veiga, Gustavo; Sotero, Luciana (2025), "Burnout and other psychosocial factors in Portuguese judges: The influence of sociodemographic and work variables", International Journal on Working Conditions, 27, 1-18
Barros, Diana; Dias, João Paulo (2025), National implementation of Regulation (EU)2021/784 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online, Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 1-11
Santos, Ana Cristina (orgs.) (2025), A Research Agenda for Sexuality and Aging. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Artigo em Revista Científica
Velicu, Irina (2025), "Unbearable Commons and the Climate Trauma", Theory, Culture and Society
Artigo em Revista Científica
Weeland, Joyce; de Haan, Amaranta; Scott, Stephen; Seabra-Santos, Maria João; Webster-Stratton, Carolyn; McGilloway, Sinéad; Matthys, Walter; Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Williams, Margiad Elen; Mørch, Willy Tore; Axberg, Ulf; Raaijmakers, Maartje; Leijten, Patty (2025), "Exploring family profiles in explaining heterogeneity in parenting program engagement and effectiveness.", Journal of Family Psychology
Capítulo em Livro
Vieira, Patrícia (2025), Frans Krajcberg: Articulating the Natural World, in Inés Katzenstein; María del Carmen Carrión; Madeleine Murphy Turner (org.), Momentum: Art and Ecology in Contemporary Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press, 181-196