Financeirização da habitação no Portugal do século XXI: Representações sociais, práticas e implicações políticas

Colóquio Internacional dO PROJETO HOU$ING

Housing (and) Crisis: Interdisciplinary dialogues for theory and policy

19 de abril de 2023, 09h30

Sala 1, CES | Alta


09h30 – Opening session

10h00 – Housing, gender equality, and health: A systems thinking approach, Claudia Abreu Lopes, United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


11h00 – Global and local origins of the unaffordable housing crisis: Comparative National Case Studies, James Liu, Massey University, New Zealand

12h00 – Debate


Housing social representations and practices in 21st century Portugal: Results from an interdisciplinary project

14h00 – Subjectivity policies: Comparing housing after 1945 in Portugal and the USA, Tiago Castela
14h15 – Class and the emergence of the rentier household in the European periphery, Ana Cordeiro Santos
14h30 – Financialisation and housing movements in Portugal – the case of Association Habita, Rita Silva and Saila-Maria Saaristo
14h45 – Interrelations between financialisation and housing social representations and practices in the 21st century:A scoping review, Raquel Ribeiro, Daniela Neto, Ana Cordeiro Santos, and Joaquim Pires Valentim

15h00 – Debate

15h45 – Closing session