Financeirização da habitação no Portugal do século XXI: Representações sociais, práticas e implicações políticas

Colóquio Internacional dO PROJETO HOU$ING

Housing (and) Crisis: Interdisciplinary dialogues for theory and policy

19 de abril de 2023, 09h30

Sala 1, CES | Alta

Nota biográfica do/a orador/a principais

James Liu is Professor of Psychology and was Head of School at Massey University in New Zealand from 2015-2017. He completed a PhD at UCLA, followed by a post-doc at Florida Atlantic University. He taught at Victoria University of Wellington for twenty years, becoming Co-Director of its Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Research (2010-2014).  His research is in cross-cultural, social, and political psychology, specializing in social representations of history and their relationship to identity, prejudice, and international relations. He has current interests in global consciousness, and the role of digital influence (e.g., social media, new media) in societal change.

Claudia Abreu Lopes is a Research Fellow at the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH). She has spent 20 years in academia with positions at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), Institute of Social Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge (POLIS). Her research interests focus on digital health, implementation science and on methodologies that use new innovative data sources (big data, citizen-generated data) as a complement to official statistics to monitor and advance sustainable development goals related to gender equality and health.