Artigos em Revistas Científicas
Roque, Isabel (2023), "O vilipêndio da COVID-19 em call e contact centres em Portugal", e-cadernos CES [Online], 39, online
Boavida, Nuno; Roque, Isabel; Moniz, António Brandão (2023), "Collective Voice and Organizing in Digital Labour Platforms in Portugal", Journal of Labor and Society, 1-25
Ribeiro, Ana Sofia; Lendzhova, Vladislava; Vy?niauskien?, Sonata; Ferreira, Tatiana; Sousa, João Carlos; Roque, Isabel; Kõiv, Kerli; Saks, Katrin; Agahi, Omeed; Prieto?Flores, Òscar; O?Higgins, Niall (2023), "Public Employment Services' Responses to the Pandemic: Examples from Portugal, Bulgaria, and Lithuania", Politics and Governance, 12
Marzana, Daniela; Ellena, Adriano Mauro; Martinez-Damia, Sara; Ribeiro, Ana Sofia; Roque, Isabel; Sousa, João Carlos; Agahi, Omeed; Pell Dempere, Maria Isabel; Prieto-Flores, Òscar (2023), "Public Employment Services and Strategic Action towards Rural NEETs in Mediterranean Europe", Social Sciences, 13, 1, 7
Roque, Isabel (2023), "Organizing the digital working-class in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic", Sociedade e Estado, Volume: 38, 1, 9-33
Roque, Isabel; Carmo, Renato Miguel; de Assis, Rodrigo; Caleiras, Jorge (2022), "Precarious Work and Intermittent Life Trajectories in a Portuguese Gig Economy", Journal of Labor and Society, (published online ahead of print 2022), 1-26
Caleiras, Jorge; Carmo, Renato Miguel; Roque, Isabel; Assis, Rodrigo Vieira (2022), "Pandemia, serviços públicos e trabalhadores vulneráveis em Portugal: Uma relação ambivalente?", RBEST Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 4(00)
Caleiras, Jorge; Carmo, Renato Miguel; Roque, Isabel; Assis, Rodrigo Vieira (2022), "Nas margens do emprego, no centro da pandemia: experiências de desproteção e vulnerabilidade social no Grande Confinamento", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 128, 159-182
Roque, Isabel (2018), "Trade Unionism and Social Protest Movements in Portuguese Call Centres", Journal of Labor and Society. Brill, Volume 21, Issue 1, 55-75
Roque, I. (2018), "Call Centre workers unite! Changing forms of organisation and representation in the Portuguese and British Digital Economy", Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation - Special Issue: Digital Economy and the Law, 12, 2, 79-98
Roque, Isabel (2017), "Trade Unionism and Social Protest Movements in Portuguese Call Centres.", Journal of Labour and Society. Wlley Online Library, Volume 21, Issue 1, 55-75
Roque, I. (2016), "Riscos Psicossociais em Contact Centres Portugueses", Revista Segurança Comportamental, 10, 14-16
Roque, I. (2016), "Biografias Cybernéticas. Um estudo sobre as indústrias Portuguesas e Britânicas de Contact Centre", Revista Sociologia On Line - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, ISSN 1647-3337, 12, 49-68
Roque, Isabel (2014), "Riscos psicossociais em call centres", Segurança Comportamental, 9, 13-15
Roque, I. (2013), "A precariedade dos estudantes académicos no universo dos call centres", International Journal on Working Conditions, 6, 18-36