Recensões de Livros

Vieira, Patrícia (2016) recensão crítica a Cacilda Rego and Marcus Brasileiro, Migration in Lusophone Cinema, in Luso-Brazilian Review, 62-64

Vieira, Patrícia (2014) recensão crítica a Doris Sommer, The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and the Public Humanities, in LA Review of Books

Vieira, Patrícia (2013) recensão crítica a Simon Critchley, Stay, Illusion! The Hamlet Doctrine, in LA Review of Books

Vieira, Patrícia (2013) recensão crítica a Ivan Callus, James Corby and Gloria Lauri-Lucente, Style in Theory. Between Literature and Philosophy, in Choice Magazine

Vieira, Patrícia (2013) recensão crítica a Adam Lifshey, The Magellan Fallacy. Globalization and the Emergence of Asian and African Literature in Spanish, in College Literature

Vieira, Patrícia (2013) recensão crítica a Mats Malm, The Soul of Poetry Redefined. Vacillations in Mimesis from Aristotle to Romanticism, in Choice Magazine

Vieira, Patrícia (2013) recensão crítica a Kalliopi Nikolopoulou, Tragically Speaking. On the Use and Abuse of Theory for Life, in Choice Magazine

Vieira, Patrícia (2011) recensão crítica a Pedro Serra, Estampas del Imperio. Del Barroco a la Modernidad Tardía Portuguesa, in Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños, 275-76

Vieira, Patrícia (2010) recensão crítica a Ellen Sapega, Consensus and Debate in Salazar's Portugal: Visual and Literary Negotiations of the National Text, 1933-1948, in Hispanic Review, 137-140

Vieira, Patrícia (2010) recensão crítica a David Frier, The Novels from José Saramago: Echoes from the Past, Pathways into the Future, in Ellipsis, 168-71

Vieira, Patrícia (2001) recensão crítica a Inge Brinkman and Axel Fleisch, Grandmother's Footsteps: Oral Tradition and South-East Angolan Narratives on the Colonial Encounter, in Lusorama, 56-60