Outras Publicações

Singh, Amit (2024), "Hindutva is at war with secular democracy in India", LSE Religion and Global Society

Singh, Amit (2024), "Farewell to Religious Freedom: Persecution of Christians and Muslims in Hindu India", Voices from the Sylff Community

Singh, Amit (2024), "Adeus à liberdade religiosa: perseguição de cristãos e muçulmanos na Índia hindu", Publico

Singh, Amit (2024), "Quão "democráticas" serão as eleições indianas?", Publico

Singh, Amit (2024), "Did India's Election Save a Sinking Democracy and its Religious Minorities?", Illiberal Forces At The Ballot. Washington DC: The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, The George Washington University

Singh, Amit (2023), "Has the Hindu majority developed a 'Nazi conscience' in India?", The Loop

Singh, Amit (2023), "Hindu Religious Populism Against Christians and Muslim minorities in India", Alice News

Singh, Amit (2022), "Politics of Anxiety and Faith: Hindutva in War with Gandhi's SoulAN Original", ALICE News- UNPOP Series

Singh, Amit (2022), "India Should Be a Human Rights Concern for Japan", Voices from the Sylff community

Singh, Amit (2022), "Indian Muslim minorities suffer persecution from revived Hindu populism and nationalism", The Loop, ECPR's Political Science blog

Singh, Amit (2022), "Hindutva fascism threatens the world's largest democracy", The Loop , 24

Singh, Amit (2021), "Hindu Nationalism, Human Rights and COVID-19", The Perspective- UPF LUND

Singh, Amit (2021), "Indiens osörjbara: Gujarat 2002 och covidkatastrofen", SYDASIEN - SWDN

Singh, Amit (2020), "Normality is an illusion: Crisis is not", Explorations, ISS e-journal , 172-175

Singh, Amit (2020), "O suicídio indiano", Publico- Portugal

Singh, Amit (2020), "Mahatma Gandhi assassination anniversary in Narendra Modi's India", ALICE News

Singh, Amit (2018), "The Conflict of Freedom of Expression and Religion- A Case Study from India", The Conflict of Freedom of Expression and Religion- A Case Study from India , 118

Singh, Amit (2018), "Will India As We Know It Survive?", ARBITROR