Outras Publicações

Barker, Gary; Tatiana Moura, Jose Luis Ratton (2014), "Brazil´s undeclared war on young black men", The Huffington Post

Barker, Gary (2011), ""Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)". (Co-authored with Juan Manuel Contreras, Brian Heilman, Ajay Singh, Ravi Verma and Marcos Nascimento)", Washington, DC: ICRW and Promundo.

Barker, Gary (2010), "Engaging Men to Prevent and Mitigate Gender-Based Violence in Post-Conflict Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa. . (Co-authored with E Weiss and O Stern)", Washington, DC: World Bank.

Barker, Gary (2007), "Engaging Men and Boys in Changing Gender-based Inequity in Health: Evidence from Programme Interventions (co-authored with Christine Ricardo and Marcos Nascimento)", World Health Organization and Promundo.

Barker, Gary (2002), "Program H: Working with Young Men Series. I.", Instituto PROMUNDO, PAPAI, ECOS, Salud y Genero, Pan American Health Organization and International Planned Parenthood Federation/WHR , (Series of training