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Artigos científicos, capítulos de livros e relatórios sobre temas relevantes para compreender e refletir sobre a atual crise mundial provocada pela COVID-19

Comportamentos e atitudes face aos animais de companhia em tempo de COVID-19: um estudo exploratório em Portugal
Susana Costa
Vera Duarte
Ler maisvida/images/31015_aa-256x144_v2.jpg)
Social costs of tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic
Haiyan Song
Jinah Park
Richard T.R.Qiu
ShiNa Li
Annals of Tourism Research
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The Oxford University AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial has been paused – should we be worried?
Elias Visontay
The Guardian
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Ethical Implementation of Immunity Passports During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Clarence C Tam
Hannah Clapham
Teck Chuan Voo
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
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Pensar a pandemia: Perspectivas críticas para o enfrentamento da crise
João Paulo Allain Teixeira
Tirant Brasil
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How Covid Sends Some Bodies to War With Themselves
Moises Velasquez-Manoff
The New York Times
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Global report: coronavirus cases pass 20m as WHO points to «green shoots of hope»
Alison Rourke
The Guardian
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Coronavirus pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications - Bulletin 4
Agência dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia (FRA)
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Constance Woodson Worked Hard All Her Life. How Did She End Up Homeless During a Pandemic?
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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Cultural and Creative Sector
KEA European Affairs
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Rethinking COVID-19 Vulnerability: A Call for LGTBQ+ Im/migrant Health Equity in the United States During and After a Pandemic
Nolan S. Kline
Health Equity
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Labour, Nature, Capitalism and COVID-19
Anna Sturman
Natasha Heenan
Journal of Australian Political Economy
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