«Rice refugia and root systems: Webs of knowledge, labour and reciprocity under climate change» de Joana Sousa

9 de abril de 2021, 14h30 (GMT +01:00)

Evento em formato digital

Comentários: Paula Duarte Lopes (CES/FEUC) e Boaventura Monjane (PLAAS/UWC)


The social, religious, political and economic centrality of rice in West Africa has been reaffirmed by several farmers and authors. Colonialism, global capitalism and global warming have been limiting the regional viability of mangrove rice farming – the most important means for producing the most consumed food in the region. Despite major evidence of the disintegration of mangrove rice livelihoods elsewhere, from 2013 to 2019 in southern Guinea-Bissau, networks of knowledge, labour and reciprocity have been crucial to the attempts of rehabilitating rice paddies. Concepts like “refugia” and “root system” are used to analyse interfaces between the centres of rice production and sites of intermittent rice production. In the context of the struggle for rice reproduction, continuities between colonialism and climate change are discussed for the specific context of mangrove rice.

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