
«A cena da pós-memória. O presente do passado na Europa pós-colonial»

António Sousa Ribeiro (eds.) | Afrontamento, 2021


Edições Afrontamento has just published the seventh volume of the collection "MEMOIRS – Children of Empires and European Post-memories", A cena da pós-memória. O presente do passado na Europa pós-colonial.

Edited by António Sousa Ribeiro, this volume brings together a set of contributions by researchers associated with the project directed by Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, whose central theme, the object of a broad comparative study, is the construction of memories of the colonial past by members of the second generation in Portugal, France and Belgium.

Tracing a first global cartography of the topics that guided this project, the work is divided into two parts, which represent the two essential strands of the research produced: on the one hand, in close connection with the theoretical framework of the cases under analysis, a process of conceptual clarification aimed at clarifying the contours, from the outset, of the very concept of post-memory, as a second-generation memory, but, equally, of a set of notions directly relevant for an articulated characterisation of the main lines of force that structure the field of post-colonial memories: colonialism, decolonisation, post-colonialism, racism, identities, resentment, guilt, compassion, melancholy, mourning, nostalgia, longing, migrations, restitution or Afropolitics; on the other hand, the empirical research, based on a vast documentary research and aggregated in an extensive database that will be freely accessible, but structured, equally, from a large number of interviews conducted in the three countries under analysis, around four essential coordinates: the subjects, the spaces, the times, the materialities of post-memory.

It includes contributions by António Pinto Ribeiro, António Sousa Ribeiro, Bruno Sena Martins, Ettore Finazzi-Agrò, Fátima da Cruz Rodrigues, Felipe Cammaert, Fernanda Vilar, Graça dos Santos, Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, Paulo de Medeiros and Roberto Vecchi.