Cartography and Counter-Cartography
May 23, 2025, 14h30-16h30
Room 2, CES | Alta
Historically, maps have served to identify resources, expand extractive frontiers and establish political control of territories. In this way, mapping tends to reproduce dominant relations, knowledges and imaginaries. Counter-maps are a way of undoing these relationships, redoing mappings from the perspective of marginalised peoples and territories: their knowledges, practises and visions in confronting extractivism and developing alternatives for life. However, counter-mappings are tools for disrupting dominant power relations, giving voice to marginalised groups, and proliferating alternative imaginaries for the world. In this session, we will discuss and put into practice some of the many forms of counter-mapping that are part of "geographies for resistance".
Background readings:
Kollektiv Orangotango (2018). This is not an atlas: a global collection of counter-cartographies.Transcript Verlag. [recommendation: take a look at the document and choose any chapter]
- Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador. (2017/2018). Geografiando para la resistencia. Cartilla para la Defensa del Territorio. Cartilla 1. Quito (30 pp.) or Geografiando para la resistencia. Los feminismos como práctica espacial. Cartilla 3. Quito (28 pp.)
Facilitators: Gustavo García López e Lucía Munoz Sueiro