
Occupying education: decolonising and depatriarchalising Mexico and Colombia. Dialogues in three voices 

Regina Ascencio Ibáñez

Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno

March 18, 2022, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

Moderator: Tatiana Moura (CES)


Cultura de paz en las escuelas de educación básica, el desafío del diálogo de saberes por Regina Ascencio Ibáñez. Profesora-Investigadora mexicana.

Peace culture in basic education schools, the challenge towards a dialogue of knowledges by Regina Ascencio Ibáñez. Mexican professor-researcher

Description: Considering school as one of the articulating spaces for pedagogical and social practices around peace culture, the seminar will conduct a critical review of some of the main theories on this subject, in order to open reflection lines from a decolonial perspective, allowing for the study of its treatment within the scope of basic formal education in Mexico. 

Gender Equality Policy in Colombian Universities by Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno. Colombian academic, activist and feminist.

Description: It is necessary to recover the timeline of the last twenty years in which colombian universities have resisted to incorporate Gender Equality policy and through it address the depatriarchalization of instittutional hegemonic structures that until this day reproduce gender gaps, epistemic violences, discrimination, gender-based violence and revictimization of victims,