Seminar + Round table

From psychologies otherwise/earthwise to feminist social science: A rountable conversation

Alexandra Rutherford

Wade E. Pickren

September 27, 2022, 14h15-17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


In this first part of this event, Wade Pickren and Alexandra Rutherford present two communications, respectively focusing on the themes of “Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise: Thinking-Feeling-Listening with (the) Earth” and “Feminist social science for what? Psychology, reproductive justice, and the limits of reason”. These talks make evident how the circulation of ideas between Psychology and diverse critical movements in the Social Sciences can enrich and contribute to building transformative psychologies for change. Moreover, they highlight how an enriched and ‘dissolved’ psychology can feedback into the social sciences and society at large, inspiring and propelling alternative modes of thinking and inviting new pathways for action and transformation.

In the second part of the event, we gather around the table for an interdisciplinary conversation inspired by these talks. We will explore the landscape of possibilities offered by these perspectives for building transformative practices at the intersection of scientific and societal movements. Guest commentators will open the debate, offering a set of questions and remarks to stimulate the debate.

Keywords: Interdisciplinarity; Relationality; Knowledges; Epistemology; Feminist Psychology

Official language: English

Registration is free, but mandatory [limited to 20 people]