
Ultra-processed foods, obesity and chronic diseases. Who set this table?

Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro

Janine Giuberti Coutinho

Renata Levy

6 de setembro de 2021, 14h30-17h30 (GMT+1)

Online event


Taking into account the current food panorama, this panel aims to highlight and value scientific information capable of providing conscious food choices about what we are actually ingesting, as well as to expose the relationship between "food" made available in large scale by agro-food companies and corporations in large market networks and human health. There is a direct relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods, the global increase of obesity and the occurrence of a wide range of chronic diseases.



Janine Giuberti Coutinho, Coordinator of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Programme of the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection-IDEC, PhD in Human Nutrition at the University of Brasilia (TBC)

Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro, Associate Professor of the Institute for Nutrition of the State University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ, Coordinator of the Food and Nutrtion Branch of UFRJ, member of the Steering Committee of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health-ABRASCO of the National Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food Branch

Renata Levy, scientific researcher at the department of Preventive Medecine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo-USP, collaborative researcher of the Epidemiology Researches in Nutrition and Health Branch of USP. Works on collective health, nutrional epidemiology, food consumption, diet surveys, food enviroment and sustainability. Acknowledged by the British Institute Clarivate Analytics as one of the most influential scientists in the world in 2019. 

Moderator: Silvia Rodríguez Maezo (CES-UC)

Organisers: CES-UC, FIAN-Brazil, FIAN-International, Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food (Brazil and European Research Institute-EURICONV