XV Young Social Scientists

Growing old without growing up? Resistance strategies of science professionals facing precariousness

October 12, 2020, 10h30 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

Bio notes

João Carlos Louçã is an anthropologist, researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the New University of Lisbon. He has researched labour relations and domination in call centres (2013) and emancipatory utopias in the experiences of overcoming capitalism in Porto and Pyrenees (2019).

André Carmo is a geographer, assistant professor at the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Évora and a researcher at CICS.NOVA. He is also coordinator of the Department of Higher Education and Research of the Teachers Union of Greater Lisbon and member of the National Council of FENPROF.

Ana Oliveira is a sociologist and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, member of the Democracy, Citizenship and Law Group. Ana Oliveira holds a degree in Sociology, from the University of Coimbra, a MSc by Research in Sociology of Music from the University of Edinburgh; and a PhD, from the University of Coimbra, with a thesis entitled "The normative expression of harassment: socio-legal approaches to sexuality".

Irina Castro  is a Junior Researcher (JR) at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, integrating the Research group on Science, Economy, and Society (NECES). In 2009, Castro graduated in Applied Ecology at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. In 2011 she got her MSc in Environmental Engineering and the same year she joined CES as a research fellow for the project "BIOSENSE | Science engaging society: Life Sciences Social Sciences and Publics", coordinated by João Arriscado Nunes. Since then she has collaborated in the development, promotion, and evaluation of science communication initiatives and promotion of science-society relations, with a particular focus on the relationship between society and bio/nanotechnology. In 2013, she began her Ph.D. at the programme Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation (sociology branch) in which develops a thesis about the ontological construction of transgenic seeds through the practices of scientists and their scientific controversies. She works closely on this with João Arriscado Nunes (CES-FEUC), Rita Serra (CES), and Raúl García-Barrios, the latter researcher at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre of the Autonomous University of Mexico (CRIM / UNAM). In 2014 she became a collaborator of CES Project Management Office. 

Tânia Leão é socióloga, doutorada em Sociologia pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra e mestre em Sociologia pelo ISCTE – IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa). Trabalhou como investigadora no Observatório das Atividades Culturais, sendo, atualmente, investigadora integrada do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto, subgrupo de investigação em “Criação Artística, Práticas e Políticas Culturais”. É ainda investigadora no Observatório Social de Vila Nova de Gaia. Tem várias publicações nas áreas do cinema, cultura e práticas culturais e de lazer, educação e metodologias qualitativas. Colaboradora frequente em festivais de cinema, sua área de investigação preferencial, com particular interesse pela programação e pelos respetivos serviços educativos.

Paula Sequeiros is a researcher at the Centre of Social Studies. Her main research area is the intersectional field of information literacy, scientific writing and libraries. She also developed academic work on ecofeminism, a domain in which she gave talks, served as a journal reviewer and organised a conference. Co-coordinator of the Studies Group POSTRADE. Coorganiser and trainer in the program Publish do not Perish, CES. Coorganiser of the program Readings in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity addressed to the UC community. She developed her postdoc project The library in time: libraries from the print, oral and digital paradigms at the CES. Engaged with Open Access to scientific publishing. Degree in History, University of Porto (U.P.); Post-Grad. in Librarianship and Information Sciences, U.P.; Masters in Information Society and Knowledge, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2002-2004; Doctorship in Sociology, U.P., 2010. She taught in postgraduate courses of Information and Documentation Sciences, 1988-2006. Former librarian in corporations and in academic libraries. Former editor for Portugal and a member of the Executive Board of the international disciplinary Repository e-LIS.