2nd Colloquium

Peripheries and their recent transformations

February 12, 2019, 10h00-18h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


10h00 | Non-extractive methodologies: A social cartography and a socio-spatial dimension of territorial struggles by Patrícia de Menezes Cardoso

11h00 | Periphery, financialization, trend and industry 4.0: An exploratory look at recent Brazil  by Ricardo Luiz Chagas Amorim

12h00 | Social distance, alterity and the economic relationship between the favela and the city: An analysis of the narratives of the residents of the Cantagalo and Pavão-Pavãozinho favelas, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil by Juliana Blasi Cunha

LUNCH break

15h00 | De-coding Rio de Janeiro's Favelas: Shape grammar application as a contribution to the debate over the regularisation of favelas. The case of Parque Royal. by Valeria Ena

16h00 | Roundtable alternative narratives of an old capital  - Coletivo “Velha Capital”

17h30 –  WINE&CHEESE Cocktail


Post-colloquium moment: 14/02/2019 - 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. - Assesment of the activity and planning of the next steps of the Group of Researchers on Peripheries, especially sessions 3 and 4 of the Colloquium, scheduled for the month of March 2019.