POLICREDOS - Religiões e Sociedade


Political and public approaches to gender, secularism and multiculturalism

11 a 13 de novembro de 2015

CES-Lisbon (Picoas Plaza | Rua do Viriato, 13, Lj. 117-118)


11 November 2015 – CIUL, Picoas Plaza

14:00-14:30 Registration

14:30-15:00 Introduction

15:00-18:00 Religion and subjectivity

- Hengameh Ashraf Emami. Paradox of Visibility

- José Mapril, Raquel Carvalheira. Recognizing secular and religious subjectivities: a comparison between Portugal and Morocco.

- Maria Sidiropoulou. Diasporic gender identities in a secularized context: Jews women in Greece.

- Semiha Topal. Female Muslim Subjectivity in Secular Public Sphere: Hijab and Ritual Prayer as “Technologies of the Self”.

18:00-18:30 Break

18:30-20:00 Keynote speech: Chia Longman


12 November 2015 - CIUL, Picoas Plaza

9:30-11:30 Religion, public sphere and controversies

- Elisa Bellè, Caterina Peroni and Elisa Rapetti. One step forwards and two steps backwards? The Italian debate on secularism, heteronormativity and LGBTQI citizenship

- Kim Knibbe. Religion, sexual health and secularism: encounters in the African Christian Diaspora in the Netherlands

- Mia Lövheim. Gender, Religion and Secularity in Swedish Editorials

- Niki Papageorgiou. Secularization and Gender in Greece: the public word of the Orthodox Church

11:30-12:00 Break

12:00-13:00 Religion, public sphere and dynamics

- Teresa Cal. Intercultural Dialogue : For a Mainstreaming Public Policy

- Yaghoob Foroutan. Gender Dynamics, Religion, Multiculturalism: Demographic Perspective on Europeans-Non-Europeans in Australasia

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Religion and public education

- Birgit Allenbach. Muslim Girls and Boundary-Making in Swiss Schools.

- Maria João Cardona, Isabel Piscalho, Marta Uva, Teresa-Cláudia Tavares. The Impact of the Educational Guides Gender and Citizenship on the (self) reflection regarding teaching practices.

- Eduardo Dullo. A public controversy concerning women’s vocations: mother and/or teacher

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-18:00 Theology, Philosophy, Feminism and political theory in debate

- Naomi Goldenberg. What is this Slouching Toward Bethlehem? – Is it a New Feminist Defense of Religion?

- Marcela de F. M. Máximo Cavalcanti. THEOLOGY QUEER: an inclusive perspective of Christian faith

- Reflianto Muslim. A contemporary analysis: review of bad secularism to glorify women in Europe

- João Emanuel Diogo. Losing my gender: secularism and equality.


13 November 2015 , CES – Picoas Plaza

9:00-11:00 Practices, boundaries and archetypes

- Fadlan Khaerul Anam. Maryam, the Veil and the Question of Primal Father: The Reconciliation Between Islam and Psychoanalysis for Our Time.

- Anna Fedele. “Secular Mothers” Versus “Spiritual Mothers”: Anthropological reflections on the religious dimension of alternative mothering choices in contemporary Portugal

- Laura Hellsten. The power of rhythm.

- Stefania Palmisano. Less spiritual, more Catholic. Italian women on the public scene.

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-13:30 Religion, Politics and Women’s Agency

- Marziyeh Bakhshizadeh. Muslim women’s agency in secular society

- Daniela Cordovil. The agency of religious women: women of afro-Brazilian and pagan religions in the public space.

- Mariachiara Giorda. Religions and politics, Round trip: belonging is better than believing?

- Dulce Pereira. Once upon a time a girl who wanted to be a president in Mozambique: citizenship, woman body and ethno-gender.


14:30-16:00 Keynote speech Teresa Toldy (UFP/CES)

16:00-17:00 Concluding remarks