ITM - Grupo Inter-Temático sobre Migrações

Seminário | UNPOP

Telegram app, misinformation, and Brazilian far-right groups

Leonardo Nascimento (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

27 de janeiro de 2023, 16h00 (GMT)

Evento em formato digital

Moderação: Cristiano Gianolla (CES)


Telegram has attracted the attention of the Brazilian public debate as a vehicle for disseminating misinformation and political violence. I will share preliminary results about Brazilian far-right groups on Telegram from a mixed-methods perspective, articulating computational social science with digital anthropology.

Nota biográfica

Leonardo Nascimento is the director of the Digital Humanities Lab at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil). He has a background in computational social science and social psychology and investigates disinformation, hate speech and scientific controversies.

This seminar is part of a series within the UNPOP project - UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour, which aims to explore how narratives of emotion allow a deeper analysis of the way populist phenomena constitute and influence political behaviour.

Thus, the series of events developed throughout the project will address several issues involving the recent growth of populism, focusing on the role of emotions - both those considered negative such as anger and fear, and those considered positive such as hope and love - in political behaviour.

UNPOP is coordinated by Cristiano Gianolla and Lisete Mónico and is based at the Centre for Social Studies and by CINEICC - Center for Research in Neuropsychology and Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention of the University of Coimbra, and is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CPO-CPO/3850/2020).


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As atividades abertas dinamizadas em formato digital, como esta, não conferem declaração de participação uma vez que tal documento apenas será facultado em eventos que prevejam registo prévio e acesso controlado.


Ciclo de Eventos UNPOP

O populismo e as emoções