ITM - Grupo Inter-Temático sobre Migrações


Brexit and Internal Security- Political and Legal Concerns in the Context of the future EU-UK relationship

Ben Farrand

Helena Farrand-Carrapiço

16 de novembro de 2018, 11h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra


As the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union, it is faced with having to develop new forms of cooperation with its neighbours to fight ever more transnational security threats, as well as new strategies to maintain its leading role as an international security actor. The present lecture proposes to explore these important developments by first giving a comprehensive overview of the current internal security relationship between the UK and the EU, followed by the possible consequences of Brexit in this area, the negotiation positions of both parties, and the possible alternatives currently being discussed. The lecture will conclude with a discussion with the audience on how these developments might impact Portugal'.

Short bios:
Helena Farrand Carrapiço is Associate Professor of International Relations at Aston University (Birmingham) and Director of the Aston Center for Europe. She is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (University of Coimbra) since 2014. Her research focuses on European Policies for Justice and Internal Affairs, namely policies against organized crime and cyber-crime. She has various publications in indexed and peer-reviewed international journals, including the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Foreign Affairs Review, Crime, Law and Social Change, European Security, and Global Crime.

Benjamin Farrand is an Associate Professor of Law at Aston University (Birmingham). His research focuses on the process of legislation production in areas characterized by political uncertainty and technological changes, with a particular focus on issues related with Intellectual Property and Cyber- Security. Among his most publications are an article published in European Politics and Society on the EU’s approach to fight online sales of counterfeit products and an article in the Journal of Common Market Studies on Intellectual Property in the context of Brexit.

Activity within the Doctoral Programme in International Politics and Conflict Resolution [see programme of lectures]