
Ecological Economics, Sustainability and De-growth

Simone D'Alessandro (University of Pisa)

17 de maio de 2011, 15h00

Sala Keynes, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra

Ecological economics aims to address the interdependence and coevolution of human economies and natural ecosystems. The seminar will present some important novelties of this approach by focusing mainly on the long run sustainability of economic growth. Ecological limits and the uneven distribution of resources around the world imply that economic growth is not a sufficient condition for the continuous improvement of human well-being. Recent studies provide evidence that economic growth is not even necessary for welfare enhancing. This stream of literature provides theoretical foundations to economic de-growth, a widespread movement which includes social experiences and scholars of different disciplines. The seminar will discuss the motivations and the first results of this recent school.

Biographyc note
Simone D'Alessandro is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Pisa, Italy, where he teaches Institutional Economics, Development Economics and Ecological Sustainability. He received a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Siena, and has been visiting research student at the Department of Environment of York University and at the Santa Fe Institute NM, US. He has published articles in several international journals, such as the Oxford Economic Papers, Ecological Economics, Exploration in Economic History, Journal of Cleaner Production. He is currently engaged in the scientific network and social movement on economic de-growth for ecological sustainability and social equity.

Organização: Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade em conjunto com os programas de doutoramento Democracia no século XXI, Governação, conhecimento e inovação e Relações de trabalho, desigualdades sociais e sindicalismo.