Teses Defendidas

Decolonisation in Mozambican Literature

Anna Pöysä

Data de Defesa
12 de Junho de 2014
Programa de Doutoramento
Pós-Colonialismos e Cidadania Global
António Sousa Ribeiro e Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
The Portuguese colonialism in Mozambique had a significant influence on Mozambican literature. This influence, and the different ways Mozambican authors have questioned or avoided the heritage of colonialism in their work, are the subject of this study. The relationship between Mozambican and European/Portuguese literature will be analysed, and the question of how colonialism and its consequences are expressed and criticised in Mozambican literature will be raised.

The Portuguese coloniser's language policies, the limited access to education in the Portuguese ex-colonies and the specific language situation in Mozambique have affected Mozambican literature. A serious impact on the Mozambican society and culture during colonialism was cast by the assimilation policy, whereby the "indigenous" (indígena) could be considered "civilised" (assimilado) after passing exams related to Portuguese language skills and giving up the local religion, language and traditions.

Examples of colonial literature will be analysed for better insight in Portuguese colonialism. The main focus is, however, on analysing novels and short stories written by Mozambican authors, such as Luis Bernardo Honwana, Lília Momplé, Paulina Chiziane and Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa.