Ciclo de Conferências | PIRC

Novas Tendências em Política Internacional e Resolução de Conflito


Faculdade de Economia da UC

Conferências do Ciclo

The War against Migration in the Mediterranean: Infrastructures, Policies, and Practices of the EU Border Regime<span id="edit_31452"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31452').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31452" ); });</script></span>

Jean Monnet Lecture

The War against Migration in the Mediterranean: Infrastructures, Policies, and Practices of the EU Border Regime

Bilgin Ayata (University of Graz)

18 de dezembro de 2020, 2:30 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Critical Security Studies between power and peace<span id="edit_31450"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31450').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31450" ); });</script></span>


Critical Security Studies between power and peace

Stefano Guzzini (Uppsala University / IRI-PUC-Rio de Janeiro)

11 de dezembro de 2020, 2:30 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Digital Media Practices and Popular Participation in World Politics / Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention<span id="edit_31448"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31448').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31448" ); });</script></span>


Digital Media Practices and Popular Participation in World Politics / Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention

Andrew Ross

Séverine Autesserre

4 de dezembro de 2020, 2:30 pm + 5 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Promoting resilient peace in the EU’s neighbourhood<span id="edit_31446"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31446').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31446" ); });</script></span>

Jean Monnet Lecture

Promoting resilient peace in the EU’s neighbourhood

Ana E. Juncos Garcia (University of Bristol)

20 de novembro de 2020, 2:30 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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On Borders: Territories, Legitimacy and the Rights of Place<span id="edit_31444"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31444').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31444" ); });</script></span>


On Borders: Territories, Legitimacy and the Rights of Place

Paulina Ochoa-Espejo (Harverford College)

30 de outubro de 2020, 2:30 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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The Case for a Visual Global Politics: a Pluralist Methodology for Exploring and Teaching IR<span id="edit_31442"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31442').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31442" ); });</script></span>


The Case for a Visual Global Politics: a Pluralist Methodology for Exploring and Teaching IR

Marcos Farias-Ferreira (ISCSP-University of Lisboa)

23 de outubro de 2020, 2:30 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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MINUSTAH and the militarization of Bolsonaro government: connections between oppressive practices in Haiti and Brazil<span id="edit_31440"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31440').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31440" ); });</script></span>


MINUSTAH and the militarization of Bolsonaro government: connections between oppressive practices in Haiti and Brazil

Renata de Melo Rosa (IDEA)

10:30 am + 14:40 pm

Faculdade de Economia da UC

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