
The «Third World»: Pasts and present

1 de junho de 2018, 14h00

Sala 1, CES | Alta


14h00-15h45 “On the history of ‘third world’”
- José Pedro Monteiro, Hugo Gonçalves Dores and Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (CES-UC), On the history of the history of the “third world”
- Steve Jensen (The Danish Institute for Human Rights), The Odyssey as method: On being lost at sea with transnational, third world history
- Bruno Sena Martins (CES-UC), On post-colonial human rights
- Ana Balona Oliveira (IHA-FCSH/ CEC-FLUL), On art and culture in the Global South
- Teresa Almeida Cravo (CES-UC), On the global order after decolonization
- Rui Lopes (IHC-FCSH), On (geo)politics and third worldism

16h00-17h30 Keynote lecture
Steve Jensen (The Danish Institute for Human Rights), ”The Austerities of Independence”: Decolonization and the Making of International Human Rights

Orgs.: José Pedro Monteiro, Hugo Gonçalves Dores e Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo

Atividade no âmbito do projeto “Change to Remain? Welfare Colonialism in European Colonial Empires in Africa (1920–1975)”, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref: IF/01628/2012