Artigos em Revistas Científicas

Rodrigues, João (2023), "Melancolia, medo e formas de economia política no breve século XX: de Eric Hobsbawm a Thomas Piketty", Estudos do Século XX, 23, 19-35

Rodrigues, João (2020), "Chaining and Unchaining Democratic Sovereignty: (Supra)National Institutions in, and Beyond, Neoliberalism", Journal of Economic Issues, 54, 4, 1055-1070

Rodrigues, João (2018), "O Debate na Grande Transformação: Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek e Karl Polanyi sobre Capitalismo, Socialismo e Mercados", Ética, Política e Sociedade, 1, 403-439
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João; Santos, Ana C; Teles, Nuno (2018), "Financialisation of pensions in semi-peripheral Portugal", Global Social Policy, 18, 2, 189-209
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João (2018), "Neoliberalism as a real utopia? Karl Polanyi and the theoretical practice of F. A. Hayek", Globalizations, 15, 7, 1020-1032
DOI Open Access

Santos, Ana C.; Rodrigues, João; Teles, Nuno (2018), "Semi-peripheral Financialisation and Social Reproduction: The Case of Portugal", New Political Economy, 23, 4, 475-494
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João (2018), "Na sombra de 1989: economia política internacional depois do fim da história", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, Número especial, 189-216
Open Access

Rodrigues, João; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Teles, Nuno (2016), "Semi-peripheral financialisation: the case of Portugal", Review of International Political Economy, 23, 3, 480-510
DOI Open Access

Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Rodrigues, João (2014), "Neoliberalism in the Laboratory?", New Political Economy, 19, 4, 507-533
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João (2013), "Between Rules and Incentives: Uncovering Hayek's Moral Economy", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72, 3, 565-592

Rodrigues, João (2013), "The Political and Moral Economies of Neoliberalism: Mises and Hayek", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37, 5, 1001-1017
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João; Reis, José (2012), "The Asymmetries of European Integration and the Crisis of Capitalism in Portugal", Competition & Change, 16, 3, 188-205

Rodrigues, João (2012), "Where to Draw the Line between the State and Markets? Institutionalist Elements in Hayek's Neoliberal Political Economy", Journal of Economic Issues, 46, 4, 1007-1034

Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Rodrigues, João (2009), "Economics as social engineering? Questioning the performativity thesis", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33, 5, 985-1000
DOI Open Access

Rodrigues, João (2008), "Boundaries, Values and the Contested Nature of Market Expansion", New Political Economy, 13, 3, 315-333

Costa, Ana Cristina; Rodrigues, João (2008), "O nexo comensurabilidade-mercadorização e as limitações da análise custo-benefício como guia para a acção dos poderes públicos1", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 83, 141-163

Carvalho, Luís Francisco; Rodrigues, João (2006), "On markets and morality: Revisiting Fred Hirsch", Review of Social Economy, 64, 3, 331-348

Rodrigues, João (2004), "Endogenous Preferences and Embeddedness: A Reappraisal of Karl Polanyi", Journal of Economic Issues, 38, 1, 189-200

Rodrigues, João; Castro Caldas, José; Carvalho, Luís Francisco (2003), "Economics and Social Psychology on Public Goods, Experiments and Explorations", Notas Económicas, 18, 32-45
Open Access