Artigos em Revistas Científicas
Uchôa, Raphael; Waisse, Silvia (2024), "Sources for the History of Ethnosciences: James Mooney and the Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees", History of Anthropology Review, 48
Uchôa, Raphael (2024), "Savage knowledge," ethnobotany, and the colonial ways of producing reservoirs of indigenous ontologies", Journal of Social Ontology
Uchôa, Raphael (2022), "From the state of nature to the state of ruins: 'American race' and 'savage knowledge' according to Carl von Martius", Annals of Science
Uchôa, Raphael (2016), "Ephraim Chambers and the disciplinary emergence of a science of man in the 18th century", Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
Uchôa, Raphael; Waisse, Silvia (2015), "The "Essential Antithesis" T.H. Huxley and humankind's place in nature", Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência