Prémios e/ou outras distinções

2010 - FCT Post-doctoral fellowship, atribuído por FCT

2009 - CREUM Fellowship, atribuído por Centre de Recherche en Éthique, Université de Montréal and Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique de Montréal, (Canada).

2009 - Robert Vipond Grant, atribuído por Political Science Department, University of Toronto

2009 - School of Graduate Studies Research Grant, atribuído por University of Toronto, Canada

2008 - World Fellowship for Key Women Educators, atribuído por Delta, Kappa, Gamma International Society (Austin, US)

2006 - Global Supplementary Grant, atribuído por Open Society Institute, New York (US)

2004 - Academic Merit Award, atribuído por 3M Incorporated

2004 - Doctoral Fellowship, atribuído por Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, (Canada)

2004 - Doctoral Overseas Research Scholarship , atribuído por The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, (UK). Declined.

2003 - Chevening MA Scholarship , atribuído por The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, (UK), Open Society Foundation (US) and the University of Manchester

2003 - The Invisible College Distinction, atribuído por The Invisible College, Bucharest (Romania)

2003 - Virtute et sapientia - Magna cum Laude BA in Political Science and English, atribuído por University of Bucharest, Romania

2002 - Sur place Merit Scholarship , atribuído por Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Bucharest, (Romania)

1999 - BA Merit Scholarship, atribuído por Ministry of Education (Romania)