Programa Intensivo

Peacebuilding: dilemmas and challenges

4 a 13 de novembro de 2013, 09h30-18h00

Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra

This Intensive Programme (IP) will gather European doctoral students developing research at the intersection of peace, conflict, development and security dynamics. The programme seeks to discuss the state-of-the-art of peacebuilding and address the dilemmas and challenges of rendering it operational. In fact, this is an area of interventionism that has gained increased attention both conceptually and empirically, and “an academic debate is brewing over the normative underpinnings, underlying assumptions and key instruments of international peacebuilding” (Tschirgi, 2010, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 5/2: 1), which needs to be addressed.

This IP will focus on this debate with a special interest in deconstructing traditional relations between concepts and operational strategies in different dimensions, such as peace, development, security and humanitarianism. Furthermore, to provide a meaningful analysis of peacebuilding’s dilemmas and challenges, now and tomorrow, it is crucial to engage in a dialectic discussion between the peacebuilders and the subjects of this intervention – “the subjects of peace need to be able to speak about it” (Richmond and Mac Ginty, 2013, Peacebuilding, 1/1: 1). Consequently, this IP seeks to provide a multi-disciplinary (peace, security, economics, development, humanitarianism, to name a few) and a multi-level (external, internal, local-local) framework to engage in these discussions.


Participation fee: 150 euro | It includes attendance of plenary sessions and meals at the University canteens.

Certificates of attendance will be issued.

Registration is only final upon proof of payment.

Antea Gomes |