
The Pitfalls of a 'Groupist Perspective’ in the Analysis of Ethnicised Conflicts: Repercussions for Theory and Practice

Johannes Artens (CES)

14 de março de 2012, 14h00

Sala 2, CES-Coimbra

Comentador: André Barrinha (CES/FEUC)

Nota biográfica

Johannes Artens
is a PhD researcher and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Exeter, UK, and currently a Marie Curie doctoral fellow in the Sustainable Peace Building Program at the Centro de Estudos Sociais of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His research focus is on ethnicicised conflicts, in particular the deconstruction of “groupism” from a constructivist/ poststructuralist approach, ethnicity and sovereignty as socio-political constructs and ideologies, and nationalisms in the wider Middle East. Earlier this year he was a doctoral fellow at the Penn Program in Ethnic Conflict of the University of Pennsylvania, USA. He holds MAs in History and Politics from the University of Vienna, Austria, and in International Conflict Analysis from the University of Kent, UK (both with distinction), and worked as a political analyst for the German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany, and the Carter Center, Atlanta, USA.

Este seminário insere-se no projeto SPBuild - Sustainable Peacebuilding

NOTA: Atividade no âmbito do Núcleo de Estudos sobre Humanidades, Migrações e Estudos para a Paz (NHUMEP)