
The Paradox of Liberal Multiculturalism

Daniel Weinstock (Universidade de Montreal)

4 de outubro de 2011, 17h00

Sala 6, CES-Coimbra

Nota biográfica:
Daniel Weinstock holds the Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal, where he is also the Director of the Ethics Research Center. He has published widely on topics in political philosophy, including the theory of democracy and problems surrounding the liberal-democratic management of ethnic and religious diversity. His last book is an edited collection entitled Deliberative Democracy in Practice, published in 2010 by UBC Press.

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Nota: Evento ligado ao Núcleo de Estudos sobre Democracia, Cidadania e Direito  e ao Núcleo de Humanidades, Migrações e Estudos para a Paz.