International Seminar

Perpetrators - Reactions and Responses

9 de setembro (sala 2) e 10 de setembro (sala 1)


Miranda Alison
Associate Professor, Department of Politics& International Studies
University of Warwick
Office B1.07, Social Sciences Building
Gibbet Hill
Coventry CV4 7AL
Phone +44 (0)24 765 23 104
Miranda Alison is professor of politics and international relations at the University of Warwick. After completing her MA she worked briefly for the United Nations as an intern with both the Division for the Advancement of Women (New York) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva). She then moved to Belfast to study for a PhD at Queen's University, examining female combatants in non-state (guerrilla/paramilitary/‘terrorist’) military groups in ethno-national conflicts, with Sri Lanka and Northern Ireland as comparative case studies. She has done fieldwork in her case study countries, interviewing female combatants and ex-combatants. Selected publications: Women and Political Violence: Female Combatants in Ethno-national Conflict. Routledge, 2009; Wartime Sexual Violence: Women’s Human Rights and Questions of Masculinity’, Review of International Studies, v. 33, no. 1, 2007, pp. 75-90; ‘"That's equality for you, dear": Gender, small arms and the Northern Ireland conflict’, in Vanessa Farr, Henri Myrttinen and Albrecht Schnabel (eds.) Sexed Pistols: The Gendered Impacts of Small Arms and Light Weapons.  United Nations University Press, 2009, pp. 211-245.


Gary Barker
International Director
2121 Decatur Place, NW Washington, DC 20008, USA
Tel + 1 202 588 0061 and 588 0060/Fax + 1 202 588 0063
Mobile + 1 240 393 9679
Skype barkerpromundo
Gary Barker, PhD, is International Director of Promundo-US.  He has worked extensively in engaging men and boys in gender equality for Promundo as well as for UN agencies, the World Bank, and the International Center for Research on Women.   He is principal investigator on the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), a global survey of men’s participation in the family.
Promundo is a Brazilian organization with an office in the US that has worked since 1999 to promote gender equality and reduce violence against children. With a staff of more than 15 in Rio de Janeiro and five plus consultants in Washington, DC, Promundo works locally, nationally and internationally to develop and evaluate program approaches and carry out research and advocacy to achieve gender equality and reduce violence.  Promundo was founder of the national networks for early childhood (NAPI) in Brazil, and the national network for ending corporal punishment (Rede Nao Bate, Eduque), as well as co-founder of the global network to engage men in gender equality, MenEngage.   Promundo’s educational materials, in particular its violence prevention and gender equality materials (the Program H/M/D series) has been widely used and translated and recognized by the World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO/PAHO and UN Women as a best practice in achieving gender equality and reducing violence.   Promundo has provided technical assistance and worked with the Brazilian government in promoting children development, achieving gender equality and reducing violence as well as with numerous UN agencies and the World Bank.    Promundo’s work has also been globally recognized for its emphasis on rigorous impact evaluation.      Promundo is funded and supported by numerous international foundations (Nike, Ford, MacArthur, Oak and others), bilateral donors (DFID, Norad, SIDA and others), and the UN (UNFPA and UN Women, among others).


Pascale Bos
Associate Professor, Center for European Studies
University of Texas at Austin
Office BUR 314
Mailcode A / 800
Austin, TX 78712
Phone +1 (0)512 232 6373
Pascale Bos (Ph.D., Comparative Literature 1998) is Associate Professor in the departments of Germanic Studies and European Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also associated with the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies. Her research interests include twentieth century comparative Western European and US literature, gender and women’s studies, and the history, culture and literature of the Holocaust. Selected publications: German-Jewish Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust: Grete Weil, Ruth Klüger, and the Politics of Address (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005; "Feminists Interpreting the Politics of Wartime Rape: Berlin 1945, Yugoslavia 1992-1993,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,  31:4, 995-1025.

Kirsten Campbell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross, London, SE14 6NW
Phone +44 (0)20 7919 7720
Kirsten Campbell lectures in the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London, where she teaches sociology of law and social theory. She is also the Director of the Research Unit for Global Justice. Kirsten’s current research examines the prosecution of sexual violence in armed conflict under international criminal law, focusing upon the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Kirsten has researched and published extensively in this area, including ASPASIA, The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Social and Legal Studies, Signs, and The Journal of Human Rights. Kirsten’s research builds upon a number of funded empirical projects, including the ESRC project, ‘The Legal Regulation of Armed Conflict’, and her international collaborative work on transitional justice mechanisms, ‘Spanish Bones, Bosnian Ghosts’ (ERC), comparing post-conflict mechanisms in Spain and Bosnia and the ‘Codification of Trauma in Humanitarian Law’ (Wenner Gren Foundation), a study of the legal shaping of memory.


Lisa Gabriel
Lisa Gabriel received her MA in Sociology/Military Studies and National Economics in 2010 at the Department of Sociology, University of Potsdam, Germany. In her MA thesis 'Gewalt und sexuelle Differenz. Zur Struktur der Debatte Allgemeiner Soziologie und Feministischer Kritik', she investigates thoretical concepts of violence in new german sociological thought as well as the intersection of the categories of gender and violence in the Military Studies. As a member of the 'Arbeitskreis ehemaliges Mädchenkonzentrationslager Uckermark' (Research Group on the Former NS Concentration Camp for Girls and Young Women, Uckermark) she published an article on the conditions that frame the commemoration of sexualised prosecution and sexualised violence in WWII. 'Zu den Bedingungen des Sprechens vom Überleben - und das Zuhören.', Metropol Berlin, (due 2012). Since graduation she is working as a freelancer in Berlin at the open youthcenter 'Manege', as a trainer for violence prevention and political education with youths as well as in the scientific advisory coucil for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.


Anna von Gall
Programm Director “Gender and Human Rights”
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
Zossener Str. 55–58
10961 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 400 485 90
Anna v. Gall received her legal education in Göttingen, Hamburg, Berlin and Kiew, and she specializes in Immigration Law, International Relations and in the field of Human Rights. She has worked in Namibia, Brüssels and most recently in Georgia. She is member of the Co-ordination committee Against Impunity of Amnisty International in Germany. She coordinates the Gender and Human Rights Program of ECCHR.


Anna Hedlund
Anna Hedlund, PhD, social anthropology, Lund University. Currently working on the culture of non-state armed groups in the DRC with a focus on how combatants define, legitimize and narrow views on violence. The work is based on extensive fieldwork in various military camps in the South Kivu province, Eastern Congo. Have previously worked as a research assistant for a UN project on sexual violence in conflict (resolution 1325 & 1820) in tribal fighting areas in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Autonomous region of Bougainville, Salomon Island and Fiji. Have also conducted fieldwork in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan on local violence and in West bank Palestine.


Gabriela Mischkowski
Programm Advisor for Gender Justice
Medica Mondiale
Hülchenrather Str.
Phone +49 221 696357
Gabriela Mischkowski, born 1953, majored in history and philosophy. In 1992, she became a co-founder of the women's rights and aid organisation medica mondiale; since then she is internationally engaged in researching, combating and prosecuting sexual violence in armed conflicts. Since 1998, she freelances as medica mondiale’s program advisor on gender justice and as such she became a member of the “Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice”, an international feminist group of experts that participated actively in the negotations for the International Criminal Court in New York, 1998-2002. She participated in several international fact finding missions on sexual violence during armed conflicts in India (Gujarat), Indonesia (Aceh) and Northern Uganda and has published several articles on the issue, including problems in prosecuting sexual war violence. Gaby is co-author of the study “... and that it does not happen to anyone anywhere in the world”. The Trouble with Rape Trials: Views of Witnesses, Prosecutors and Judges on Prosecuting Sexualised Violence during the War in former Yugoslavia, 2009.


Amandine Regamey
Chercheur associe au CERCEC,
Université Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne
centre PMF
90 rue de Tolbiac
75634 Paris Cedex 13
Phone: +33 (0)101 4407 8616
Selected publications: «L’opinion publique russe et l’affaire Boudanov», The Journal of Power Institutions In Post-Soviet Societies, 8, 2008, (revue en ligne, ); «Russia’s War in Chechnya: The Discourse of Counterterrorism and the Legitimation of Violence» [avec Anne Le Huérou] in Samy Cohen (dir.), Democracies at War against Terrorism, Palgrave, 2008; Prolétaires de tous pays, excusez-moi ! Dérision et politique dans le monde soviétique, Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 2007


Louise du Toit
Department of Philosophy
Universiteit van Stellenbosch / University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch
South Africa
Louise du Toit is a former board member of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh). She is a National Research Foundation rated researcher (South Africa), and she has published widely on the theme of rape and sexual violence, relating this to phenomenological analysis, feminist legal theory, transitional justice, philosophy and literature, and African thought. Her book, A Philosophical Investigation of Rape: The Making and Unmaking of the Feminine Self (Routledge) was published in 2009. In that same year, Louise served as Guest Editor for the November 2009 special edition of Philosophical Papers that examined ‘The Meaning/s of Rape’.


Fabrice Virgili
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
UMR 8138 IRICE Paris 1 Panthéon -Sorbonne
106, rue la Fayette
Paris 75010
Phone +33 (0)9 53 85 75 33
Fabrice Virgili, historian, is the research director in the joint research unit “Identity, international relations, and European civilizations” (IRICE) at the University of Paris1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. His research interests include sexual identity and war in the twentieth century; war and sexuality; borders, confrontations, and intimacy; the children of Franco-German couples during World War II; war, violence and society; Selected publications: Naître ennemi. Les enfants nés de couples franco-allemands pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Paris: Payot, 2009; (with François Rouquet and Danièle Voldman), Amours, guerres et sexualité 1914-1945, Paris: Gallimard, 2007.

Hyunah Yang
Faculty of Law
Seoul National University
South Korea
+82 (0)2 880 9033
Hyunah Yang is an Associate professor at Seoul National University, the School of Law, where she has taught Feminist Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law. She is currently serving as a Commissioner at the National Human Rights Commission of  Korea (2011–present ), and was a president of Korean Academic Association of Gender and Law(2008-2010).  In the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal 2000 For the Trial of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, professor Yang played a role as one of the Country Prosecutors of North and South Korea Joint prosecution when she represented survivors’ post-traumatic testimonies(1999-2001). Her research and teaching interests have been various in Social Theory, Feminist Jurisprudence, Human rights, postcolonialism, and representing victims’ voices especially in the context of war, colonialism, and the public atrocities.