Colóquio Internacional

The Troika’s effect on the social state in southern europe and national responses to the challenge

11 de novembro de 2019, 09h30

Auditório, Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (CIUL)


09h30  Opening
Reinhard Naumann (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Lisbon)

09h40  Crisis, Troika and policies of national governments under the adjustment programs
Ana Cordeiro Santos (Observatory on Crises and Alternatives, University of Coimbra)
Ioannis Kompsopoulos (University of Tübingen)

10h20  Debate

11h00  Greece under the Troika
Manos Matsaganis (Polytechnic University of Milan)

11h20  Debate

12h00  Portugal: The effect of the Troika in specific policy areas and national policies after the conclusion of the adjustment program

12h10  Health (includes presentation of the publication “Healthcare under crisis and austerity in five European countries”)
Inês Fronteira (IHMT, New University of Lisbon)

12h40  Energy (15 minutes talk + comprehension questions)
Carlos Laia (CEEETA, Lisbon)

13h00   Lunchbreak

14h00  Portugal: continuation

14h00  Transports (15 minutes talk + comprehension questions)
Mário Alves (ACAM, Lisbon) tbc

14h20  Housing (15 minutes talk + comprehension questions)
Gonçalo Antunes (CICS.Nova, New University of Lisbon)

14h40  Trying to draw some conclusions from the Portuguese cases

14h50  Debate

15h30  Round-table discussion: What did the Left do under the Troika and after the end of the adjustment programs?
Greek and Portuguese speakers

16h00  Debate

16h30  Conclusions