
'European Music After 1945 as a Restricted Space of Enunciation' de António Pinho Vagas

SAGE Open | maio 2012

In this article, starting from the contributions of Pierre-Michel Menger and some sociological concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and other postcolonial authors, the author proposes an analysis of the new musical structures created after 1945 in the new music field in Europe as a construction regulated and dominated by the core countries, critically seen from the vantage point of observation of a peripheral and subaltern country of Europe.

Article first presented in the “Congress Sociology of Music: Tendencies, Issues, Perspectives” held in Lisbon in July 23-25, 2009, and revised to this publication.

Palavras-chave: geoculture | geopolitics | new music after 1945 | power | location of culture