Re-storying/restoring the human/more-than-human relationship: ecofeminist and new materialist accounts

Arianna Porrone (Doutoranda, Universidade de Macerata)

24 de junho de 2022, 11h00 (GMT+1)

Evento em formato digital

Comentário: António Carvalho (CES) | Moderação: Stefania Barca (CES)


Building on the premise that the Anthropocene is not an innocent label marking a new geological time unit, but it is instead the master narrative (Barca, 2021) holding the present together, replicating the same landmarks, divisions, power dynamics and capitalistic logics  deployed since and by modernity, this session aims at inquiring on what other ontological alternatives exists. The magnitude of climate change (CC) and the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 and its related disease COVID-19 – whose convergence is allowing new diffraction patterns to emerge – is indeed shedding light on a series of entanglements and interconnections between human beings and the more-than-human world, that can no longer be ignored, described, told nor dealt with in a mechanical, linear way. The Anthropocene and its law(s), what critical legal scholar Anna Grear name the “international environmental law of the Anthropocene” (2020), which is constructed on a series of interrelated sacred binaries such as man/nature, person/property, reasonable/unreasonable, needs to be re-storied in order to un-do the violent dualistic system of knowledge that structure the relationship between human and the more-than-human components of the earth.

An international law for the Anthropocene (Grear, 2020), I argue, can be achieved by dialoguing and building alliances with ecofeminist and new materialist worldviews. In my analysis, I observe these two key contributions as being part of the same web of thought (Haraway, 2016), held together by the logic of care (Mol, 2008). The session will be directed to answer to the question: in what ways is an analysis of the “forces of reproduction” (Barca 2020) implicated with the practice of re-stor(y)ation? In what ways ecofeminisms and new materialist theories may contribute to the advancement of international environmental law?

The article will be available one week before the event. In the case of a paper not yet published, an extended abstract will be made available. Those who wish to receive it should send an email to ecosoc@ces.uc.pt

Nota biográfica

Arianna Porrone is a PhD candidate in “Global Studies. Justice, Rights, Politics” at the University of Macerata, Italy and visiting researcher at the Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES), Coimbra, Portugal. Previously, she was awarded with a One-Year Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates (2020-2021) to join the “Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas” research group, Kiel University, DE as a visiting researcher. Her main research interests are political ecology, environmental justice, storytelling and the environmental humanities, and she mostly employs (eco)feminist critical theories. Her PhD research focuses on understanding the power and gender dynamics in knowledge creation within the current international environmental governance realm, and aims at  exploring ontological pluralism as a way forward able to reconcile human and more-than-human concerns.


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