Conversa | CCArq Talks

Culture in rural contexts: Resources of place, collaboration, and aesthetic production of «the Local» in Denmark and Portugal

Nancy Duxbury

Thomas Burø

25 de novembro de 2019, 14h00

Sala 2, CES | Alta


Land of Light: The organisation of culture in Odsherred 2000-2018
Thomas Burø, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

The Land of Light maps the politics and organisation of the ecology of culture in the rural region Odsherred, Denmark in the years 2000-2018. The study uses the geo-philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to analyse the structures of interorganisational collaboration, the aesthetic production of ”the Local” as an asset, and the ecological problem of youth nonparticipation in established culture. Methodologically, the research uses qualitative methods of interview, observation, participant observation, document and artefact collection to map the politics and organisation of culture. Theoretically, Land of Light draws a conceptual history of how “ecology” has been applied in social science, cultural studies and organisation theory in the 20th century and uses Deleuze and Guattari to conceptualise “Ecology of culture.”  


CREATOUR: Activating place-based creative tourism in small cities and rural areas
Nancy Duxbury, CES

CREATOUR is a national 3,5-year (2016–2020) interdisciplinary research-and-application project coordinated by CES. The project involves five research centers working with 40 participating organizations located in small cities and rural areas across Portugal in the Norte, Centro, Alentejo, and Algarve regions. CREATOUR aims to connect the cultural/creative and tourism sectors through the development of an integrated research-and-application approach to catalyzing creative tourism in small cities and rural areas throughout the country. Creative tourism initiatives highlight and articulate the local, the vernacular, the specificities of particular places. Local design, implementation, and control allows for diverse sites of experimentation with content, models, and approaches. The small-scale and interactive nature of activities encourages experimentation, flexibility, changing offers, co-learning between locals and visitors, and networks of artisans and small entrepreneurs. In this context, the CREATOUR project is piloting experimental practices and pilot trials to more fully understand the issues and potential of culture-based creative tourism in small cities and rural contexts in Portugal.


Notas biográficas

Nancy Duxbury
, PhD is a senior researcher at CES and co-coordinator of CCARQ. She is Principal Investigator of the project CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas, and a member of the European Expert Network on Culture. Her research has examined culture in local sustainable development; culture-based development models in smaller communities; and cultural mapping, which bridges academic inquiry, community practice, and artistic approaches to understand and articulate place.

Thomas Burø is PhD fellow at Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His research centers on mapping and analyzing the organization of the ecology of culture in the rural region Odsherred, Denmark. His work is based on a qualitative methodology using interview, observation, participant observation, document analysis, photography and sound recording.  

Atividade no âmbito do CCArq | Núcleo de Estudos sobre Cidades, Culturas e Arquitectura e do projeto de investigação CREATOUR - Desenvolver Destinos de Turismo Criativo em Cidades de Pequena Dimensão e Áreas Rurais