CES Summer School

Racismo, Eurocentrismo e Lutas Políticas [4.ª edição]

3 a 8 de setembro de 2018

Sala 2, CES | Alta (Coimbra, PT)


Sessões da manhã: das 10h às 13h

Sessões da tarde: das 14h30 às 17h30


Segunda, 3 de setembro
Eurocentrism and the understanding of race/racism
From the prejudice paradigm to the immigrant imaginary: political and academic understandings of (anti-) racism | Marta Araújo (CES)
The critique of Eurocentrism | Silvia R. Maeso (CES)

Terça, 4 de setembro
Cultures of scholarship and the politics of memorialisation
The memoralisation of racial slavery | Kwame Nimako (Founder and Director of the Black Europe Summer School, Amsterdam)
The two souls of Romani scholars and the white criteria of scholarship| Cayetano Fernández (Junior researcher, PhD candidate, CES)

Quarta, 5 de setembror
Racism, knowledge production and education
Anti-racist struggles and the production of history of black people in Brazil | Amílcar Araújo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
How do you feel? Well-being and racialized unvoiceability regimes in UK universities | Shirley-Anne Tate (Leeds Beckett University)

Quinta, 6 de setembro
Institutional racism, Islamophobia and decolonial strategies
Online hate: Understanding contemporary forms of Islamophobia | Katy P. Sian (University of York)
State violence and racism in Spain: from the logics of borderisation to punishment | Mario Espinoza Pino (Institute for Democracy and Municipalism – Instituto DM)

Sexta, 7 de setembro
Race, State and Violence
Political anti-racism, anti-Zionism and decolonial struggles | Youssef Boussoumah (Party of the Indigenous of the Republic)
A performance by the Theatre of the Oppressed Lisbon | Ami-Afro Laboratory of GTO-LX

Sábado, 8 de setembro
Grassroots movements, political conscientisation and anti-racism
Bruno Gonçalves (ROMED and SOS Racismo)
Cristina Roldão (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal)
Anabela Rodrigues (AMI-AFRO Laboratory, GTO-LX)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)

“Este evento tem o apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT/MEC) através de fundos nacionais e é cofinanciado pelo FEDER através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Inovação COMPETE 2020 no âmbito do projeto PTDC/IVC-SOC/1209/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016806”.