Colóquio Internacional

The Subjective Museum? The impact of participative strategies on the museum

26 a 28 de junho de 2017

Frankfurt (Alemanha)

June, 26

16h00 Conference opening
Jan Gerchow, Director of the Historical Museum Frankfurt (HMF)
Marie Haff, German Federal Cultural Foundation, Head of GeneralProject Funding
16h30 Keynote
Mario Caneva Moutinho & Judite Santos Primo (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Department of Museology -
ULHT, Portugal)
17h15 Introduction and presentation Frankfurt Now!/HMF
Érica de Abreu Gonçalves, Susanne Gesser, Angela Jannelli (Historical Museum Frankfurt - HMF, Germany)
18h Poster exhibition with Apéro
20h Conference Dinner – “Museological Abendbrot”

June, 27
New, Social, Eco-Museology? The role of people and subjectivity in different museum concepts
Octave Debary (Université Paris V, Sorbonne, LAHIC, France)
Suzanne MacLeod (University of Leicester/Museum Studies/Great Britain)
Hester Dibbits (Reinwardt Academy, The Netherlands)
Nina Gorgus (HMF, Germany)
Coffee break
“Sociomuseological” Projects
Marcelo Bernardo da Cunha (Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA, Brazil)
Pedro Pereira Leite (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
Mauro Luiz da Silva, Cleiton Gos and Giuliana Tomasella (Museu de Quilombos e Favelas Urbano - Muquifu, Brazil)(to be confirmed)
Lunch Break
“Frankfurter Kränzchen” Roundtable discussions with Coffee and Cake
Comment and summary of roundtable discussions
Érica de Abreu Gonçalves
Break - Opportunity for guided tours

June, 28
Keynote Åsa Stenström (Västerbottens museum/COMCOL, Sweden)
11h – 12.30 h
International practices and participation in museums
Maria Miguel Cardoso (Museu do Trabalho Michel Giacometti/ULHT, Portugal)
Imani Tafari-Ama (Flensburger Schifffahrtsmuseum, Germany)
Daniele Kuijten (Heritage Conecpting/COMCOL, Netherlands)
Final Comment
Paula dos Santos (Reinwardt Academy Amsterdam/MINOM, Netherlands)