CES Summer School

Racismo, Eurocentrismo e Lutas Políticas (2ª edição)

28 de agosto a 3 de setembro de 2016

Casa das Artes | Fundação Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra)

[2 sessões por dia; manhã 10h00-13h00 | tarde 14h30- 17h30]

Domingo, 28 de agosto
Eurocentrism, race and knowledge production
The critique of Eurocentrism in the racist present | Silvia R. Maeso (CES)
Political and academic understandings of (anti-)racism | Marta Araújo (CES)

Segunda, 29 de agosto
Race, Gender and feminist theory

Beauty, race, and feminist theory in Latin America| Mónica Moreno Figueroa (University of Cambridge)
Beauty, blackness and Italian whiteness | Gaia Giuliani (CES)

Terça, 30 de agosto
Cultures of scholarship and the politics of memorialisation

The memoralisation of racial slavery | Kwame Nimako (University of California, Berkeley)
Eurocentrism and cultures of scholarship in International Relations | Branwen Gufrydd Jones (Cardiff University)

Quarta, 31 de agosto
15h00 | The renovation of colonial discourse in contemporary European cities: a debate with artist Vasco Araújo

Quinta, 1 de setembro
Institutional Racism and decolonial strategies

Islamophobia within ‘Anti-Radicalisation’ policies in the UK | Katy P. Sian (University of York)
Decolonial struggles and political dignity in contemporary France | Aya Ramadan (Partie des Indigènes de la République, France)

Sexta, 2 de setembro
The racial state, violence and political struggles

Racism, CIEs and processes of borderisation in Spain| Mario Espinoza Pino (Complutense University, Madrid)
Arte e Política
Creating Empathy in Actor Training  Using Afrocentric Concepts to Fight Racism | Baron Kelly  (Director do Programa de Teatro Afro-Americano da Universidade de Louisville)

Sábado, 3 de setembro
Grassroots movements, political conscientisation and anti-racism

Anabela Rodrigues – GTO-LX (Laboratório Ami Afro)
Bruno Gonçalves (ROMED/Letras Nómadas)
Piménio Ferreira (Letreas Nómadas)

Theatre of the Oppressed – Theatre Forum: a performance by the AmiAfro project