ICOM 24th General Conference

Museums and Cultural Landscapes

4 de julho de 2016, 10h00



“Museums and Urban Cultural Landscapes”
Cultural landscapes and urban landscapes are quickly changing, moving on to different conceptual frameworks. The aim of this joint session of ICOFOM, CAMOC and MINOM is to bring together experts in city museums, urban museum issues, new social challenges, and international museology trends, reflecting on how cultural urban landscapes affect the museum meaning and its relationship with the present societies.

The session will be based on the General Conference’s theme, the Siena Charter, and the ICOM/ UNESCO draft recommendation for museums, focusing on contemporary social and cultural urban issues that city museums must be prepared to face and to manage.

Siena Charter: http://icom.museum/news/news/article/siena-charter-proposed-by-icom-italy-at-its-international-conference-museums-and-cultural-landsc/

Unesco recommendation: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CLT/images/en_CL_4101.pdf

The “sense of place” is one of the key concepts of the Siena Charter, which highlights the blur boundaries between tangible and intangible heritage. Rapid, and sometimes irreversible changes in urban landscapes all over the world demands from museums a constant attention to cultural, social and geographical movements that affects peoples’ lives and their relationship with space, time and memory. If this is true for any type of museums, it is especially relevant for city museums, as cities are the ever-growing centres of human life, with all its consequences still to be fully acknowledged.



04 july 14:00 – 18:00

14:00 - 14:15 – Opening Speeches

Keynote Speakers

14:15 – 14:35 – CAMOC keynote speaker

14:40 – 15:00 – ICOFOM speaker

15:05 – 15: 25 – MINOM speaker

Debate / Q&A

15:45 – 16:15 – coffee-break

Short Presentations

16:15 – 16:30 – ICOFOM presentation

16:30 – 16:45 – CAMOC presentation

16:45 – 17:00 – MINOM presentation

Debate Session

17:15 – 18: 00 – Final debate session with 4 to 6 speakers designated by CAMOC, ICOFOM and MINOM and a moderator