
Paradigmatic Transition Practices

20 February 2024, 2pm (GMT)




- Welcoming the participants and the invited persons
- Introductory presentation of the Task Force
- "Inspirational" video projection – “The Recycled Orchestra

14h15 - Synergic Communitarian Practices: the case for a paradigmatic shift in the conception of NBS

Practical N.º 1 - Synergies between local social currencies and Community Composting (Assessment case in Madrid region) >> Speaker: José Luis Fernández-Pacheco (UEX)

Practical N.º 2 - Synergies between Community Supported Agriculture/CSA and Community Composting (Assessment case in Madrid region) >> Speaker: Franco Llobera (EBR)

Practical Nº. 3 - Community Financing and Social Currencies* >>Speaker: Joaquim Melo (Banco Palmas - Brazil)

* Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to English - until collective discussion (service provided by Silvana Prado - Brazil)

 Break (5m)

15h15 – Collective Discussion relate to «PARADIGMATIC TRANSITION PRACTICES» (questions and answers about the 3 practices presented)
Moderator: Ela Callorda Fossati (UCLouvaine)

15h45 - Wrap-up - key elements for the TRANS-L Manifesto: NBS, Yes? Under what conditions? (in ‘breakout rooms’)
Redator: Anya Umantseva (Roskilde Universitet)