International Meeting Football and the Global South
XI International Sporting, Artistic and Cultural Interperiphery Football Exchange
September 13 to 18, 2023
Lisboa, Santarém and Coimbra
Event restricted to the group of involved researchers
This exchange meeting aims to promote reflection on social, cultural and sporting issues related to football, especially in its local and community scope, and aims to strengthen relations between institutions and research groups in Brazil and Portugal, providing training for young researchers and interaction with local communities.
Organising committee
Carlos Nolasco, CES researcher, Portugal
Fábio Machado Pinto, School of Physical Education, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
Francisco Pinheiro, researcher at CEIS20, Portugal
Institutions involved
CEIS20 of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
CES of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
ESEF/UFPel- Higher School of Physical Education, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
GESOCUDE/ISEF/Udelar-Grupo de Estudios Sociales y Culturales sobre Deporte do Instituto Superior de Educación Física de la Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
GHD-Grupo História e Desporto, Portugal
INCT/CNPq-National Institute of Science and Technology - Brazilian Football Studies, Brazil
ISEF/Udelar-Grupo Estudios Culturales y Sociales sobre el Juego y lo Lúdico del Instituto Superior de Educación Física de la Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
UFSC/CNPq-Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa Educação e Sociedade Contemporânea, Brazil
UFSC-Postgraduate Programme in Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
UFSC-Department of Social Work, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil