
Talking about HIV today: ancient history, new challenges

Sérgio Vitorino

Teresa Fabião

December 14, 2022, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event


This session aims to present some reflections on what it means to talk about HIV in today's context. In the month that marks the visibility of the fight against HIV, we want to understand how the discourse on HIV in Portugal has changed in recent years, which voices remain silenced, and which unexpected challenges have been born. Also, we seek to discuss, in dialogue with our guests, which languages can best be used to continue raising awareness about HIV and which tools for participation can be activated.

Teresa Fabião, dancer, educator and activist, founder of VIRAL
Sérgio Vitorino, activist (Panteras Rosas)


This activity will be provided through Zoom platform and does not require registration. Participation is limited to the number of places available >> | ID: 840 4327 6029 | Password: 809712

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Open activities in digital format, such as this one, do not grant a declaration of participation. Such document will only be guaranteed in events with prior registration and regulated access.