of the nuclear family
Ana Nunes de Almeida
Deolinda Machado
February 15, 2022, 18h00
Teatrão - Oficina Municipal do Teatro (Coimbra)
Moderator: Sílvia Portugal (FEUC/CES)
In the context of Teatrão's next creation, based on the work «da familia» [of family] by Valério Romão, Teatrão organizes, in collaboration with CES, a series of talks about different aspects of the contemporary family universe.
of family is a collection of twelve short stories written by Valério Romão. With a dramaturgy created by him, based on five of these stories, Teatrão will perform them starting in December. The five familiar episodes have a fabulist, mythical and fantastic structure, although paradoxically mundane. The episodes are not exactly located in this or that era, they are not part of the past although they are also there, nor are they contemporary, although recognizable in everyday life. Without having any essayistic, or formal, pretensions, the melodramatic treatment, in the best sense of the word, has an epic structure that inadvertently or deliberately, who knows, unsettles the receiver.
Bio notes
Ana Nunes de Almeida*
Born in Lisbon, in 1957. Completed her degree in Sociology in 1979 (Fac. des Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Univ. Genève). PhD in Sociology in 1991 from ISCTE. Concluded her habilitation exams at the University of Lisbon (2008). She is currently coordinating researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences and President of its Scientific Board. She was co-founder and coordinator of the Inter-University PhD in Sociology, OpenSoc - Knowledge for Open and Inclusive Societies (consortium that integrates ICS, ISCSP and ISEG - ULisboa, FCSH of Nova, IIFA of UEvora and the Faculty of Economics of UAlg). Ana Nunes de Almeida is a member of the Bureau of the Comité de Recherche Sociologie de l'Enfance of the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française, and belonged to the Board of the Research Network Childhood of the European Sociological Association. Among her favorite scientific themes are family, childhood and school. She is currently developing research on child cultures and catastrophes, children and animals, and ethics in research with children.
Deolinda Machado
Was born in Vermoim, Famalicão, in 1957. blue-collar worker and Catholic Worker League militant, she graduated in Religious Sciences and finished her Masters in Education Sciences. She worked for the Ministry of Education. She has always participated in union activities in her workplaces, has always been a union member, but has never been a union leader. The militancy for better living and working conditions for all had her in the LOC, especially after her 30s. Her path led her to chair the National Confederation for Action on Child Labour (CNASTI) between 1993 and 1998, which played an important role in the fight against child labour, particularly in the north of the country. In the last 20 years she was a member of the CGTP - Intersindical, belonging to its Executive Committee and National Council. She was part of the Opinion Council of RTP, belongs to the board of the association Ninho, is vice president of the LOC of the Lisbon diocese and vice president of the Portuguese League for Human Rights.