
Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Food Security: Perspectives on the horizon

Iyá Vera Soares

Juliano Sá

Renato Maluf

18 de outubro de 2021, 14h30-17h30 (GMT+1)

Online event


The pandemic situation has greatly aggravated hunger and food insecurity in numerous nations. Even in so-called developed countries, the ranks of people in search of food 'help' are common, denoting the need for progress and effectiveness in guaranteeing adequate food and nutrition as a Human Right. The post-pandemic period announces itself as equally worrying in this aspect. Furthermore, an immediate look at issues involving food production compatible with nutrition and planetary sustainability is required. In this context, the debate on the directions to be adopted, with the urgency that the theme requires, becomes imperative. What possibilities are there for treading the path of conscious hope that will safeguard today without losing sight of intergenerational justice?



Renato Maluf, Economist, Professor at the Department of Development, Agriculture and society and permanent member of the Social Sciences Post-Graduate Programme in Development, Agriculture and society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro-CPDA/UFRRJ, Former President of the National Council for Food and Nutrition Security 

Iyá Vera Soares, Militante histórica do movimento negro e da luta pela sobrevivência dos povos tradicionais.Coordenadora executiva do Fórum Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional dos Povos Tradicionais de Matriz Africana do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Conselheira Executiva do CONSEA-RS.

Juliano Sá, Presidente do CONSEA-RS e integrante do Comitê Gaúcho de emergência no Combate à Fome.

Moderadora: Míriam Balestro (CES)

Organisers: CES-UC, FIAN-Brazil, FIAN-International, Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food (Brazil and European Research Institute-EURICONV