
Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 1

June 5, 2020, 18h00 [GMT +01:00]

Online event


The first session of the international series "Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge", co-organised between the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) and the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, aims to launch a fortnightly roundtable, bringing together researchers, artists, activists, social leaders, among others engaged citizens.

These online meetings will unfold around a broad concept of well-being and good living, feeling and thinking about how the arts, in their multiple formats and applications, participate in the imagination and making of a more dignified world, where health is affirmed in all fields and dimensions that we call life, amid or beyond the pandemic.

The roundtable is thus open to all those who create, use, research or experience the arts, seeking the many expressions and creative actions promoted by individuals, collectives and communities, among people, cultures and places, bringing together countries and continents, sharing and learning.

Speakers: Ubiraci Pataxó (Research Group: Collective Health, Epistemologies of the South and Interculturalities – UFSB, Brazil), Paula Guerra (FLUP, Portugal); Raquel Siqueira (UFSB, Brazil);  Susana de Noronha (CES-UC, Portugal)

Organisers: Raquel Siqueira - Federal University of Southern Bahia (Research Group: Collective Health, Epistemologies of the South and Interculturalities - UFSB) and Susana de Noronha - Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra.