Thinking Food, Thinking the World

Workshop III

May 19, 2020, 15h30-17h30

Online Event


Thinking about food is seeing the world outside the box. It implies questioning the national representations that are often consecrated through 'typical cuisine'. It implies questioning what is, or are, food sovereignty(s). It involves reflecting on the ways in which the circulation of food and the ways of preparing them - the recipes - had and still have an impact on the circulation of ideas and knowledges, on the construction of frontiers and nationalisms.The experience of food, its preparation and consumption, is marked by emotions, practices and knowledges that are often devalued and subalternised, but which shape the worlds that defy the notion of dominant knowledge and epistemology. It is necessary to think, to rethink and to organise food, nutriments and diets in order to think, rethink and unthink history, politics, law, society, us and others. This is the purpose of this workshop series.