
Sob Traçantes: «We have no other choice but to keep fighting!»

7 de março de 2019, 14h00 || 14 de março de 2019, 16h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


Brazil is experiencing one of the highest peaks of urban violence in its history. Every 23 minutes, a young black man is murdered in the country, a victim of racial violence blatantly practiced by the State, with broad support and connivance from the media and society in general. In 2018, one of the most visible faces of these black lives cut short was that of another black insurgent voice: Marielle Franco.

Marielle Franco denounced the tragedy experienced by thousands of black youths living in the favela, seen as "laboratories" of failed security policies and a source of profit for militiamen (who for decades have run a lucrative private security army in the areas "abandoned" by the State). But it is in this context, not at all new, that black youth has been questioning the responses of governments to their struggles and turning pain into resistance.

The Seminars series "Sob Traçantes” is the result of a partnership between Jabuti Studio, Cinema Nosso, Promundo Portugal, the POLITICS project and CES-University of Coimbra and aims to broaden our view on the racist, colonial, patriarchal structure which sustains the daily massacre of youth from urban centres and peripheries, and has as a starting point for the debate short films that are testimonies in the first person of these experiences. Sob Traçantes is, on the one hand, the portrait of this world that has no projects for youth, especially black youth, placing them at the mercy of global bolts. At the same time, it is vital to create a space for reflection, formulation of proposals and actions on how we can challenge, in these same contexts, the discourse of lack and absence, widely disseminated by the major press and by some academic groups and intellectual circles. The resistance of the periphery, played mainly by black youth, has cried out to the world that they know how to transform mourning into struggle, violence into strength for action.

The proposal of this first seminar, with the presence of the director of the series Sob Traçantes, Luís Lomenha, and the Director of Cinema Nosso, Mércia Britto (Rio de Janeiro) NGO, is, on the eve of the International Women's Day, to bring the filmed testimonies of Marinete da Silva and Anielle Franco, mother and sister of Marielle Franco, respectively, and the fruits of their struggles, such as "Papo Franco", which aims to contribute to the prevention of violence against girls and women, and perpetuate the struggles and the wide legacy left by Marielle.

Sob Traçantes is a documentary series on the trajectory of people marked by situations of extreme violence, who struggle to build a better future.


Screening> March 7

Marinete da Silva, lawyer and mother of 2 daughters. The eldest, Marielle, was executed for being a nuisance to the powerful. Marinete deals with the pain of loss by making sure that her daughter's struggle bears fruit.
Comments: Tatiana Moura (Promundo/CES) and Danielle Araújo (POLITICS/CES)
Debate with: Luis Lomenha, director, Jabuti Filmes and Mércia Britto, director of the NGO Cinema Nosso

Screening> March 14

With a forged police report that said he had fired shots with the MP, Julio took 2 shots and was sentenced to 12 years in prison. After 8 years, Julio left prison determined to resume life. Today he is a cultural producer.

José Luiz lived his childhood on the streets. One night, hungry, he left friends sleeping in a shelter in Candelaria and went to steal bread. That is why he survived the slaughter in 1993. Today he is an audiovisual producer.

Comments: Luana Coelho (POLITICS/CES) and Sebijan Fejzula (POLITICS/CES)