
Weight and the Media: an autoethnography on fatphobia

Agnes Arruda (UMC/UNIP)

January 16, 2019, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


Although the word fatphobia does not exist officially in the dictionaries, it is a real prejudice suffered by people socially considered fat, and the damages caused by it are closely related to the hegemonic mediatic processes. This is the premise of the PhD in Finalization being carried out by the visiting researcher at the CES, Agnes Arruda, who intends with this seminar to share some of her life stories as a victim and researcher of the theme. The objective is to put the participating public in contact with the subject, leading to reflection on the mechanisms of action of this prejudice.


Presentation of the Seminar: Teresa Cunha

1 - Auto-diagnosis of fatphobia
Commented Reading

2 - Theoretical-methodological reflections
Fatphobia on the agenda

3 - Feeling it in the flesh
Testimonies of the victims and/or the executioners

By Agnes Arruda

Bio note

Agnes Arruda - is a person who is socially considered fat since a childhood. Journalist, lecturer in Communication and Design courses at the University of Mogi das Cruzes (UMC-SP). Master and Ph.D. in Communication from the Paulista University (UNIP-SP), with an internship at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (UC-PT).