
Gender, violence and territoriality: perspectives on feminicide

January 30, 2019, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


Colloquium aimed at bringing together researchers involved in research on gender issues, especially under a territorial approach. In particular, it aims to present and discuss data on the phenomena of feminicide, as well as on its confrontation in the legislative and judicial spheres, with special focus on the Brazilian, Mexican and Portuguese cases.


  1. Documentary screening (partial) on the colloquium's theme.
  2. Opening, presentations and mediation to the debate: Alex Ferreira Magalhães (Professor of IPPUR/UFRJ; Post-Doc at CES).
  3. Exhibition/Scenario on the colloquium's theme: Cristiane Brandão Augusto (Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Post-Doc in Gender Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico).
  4. Debaters: Tatiana Moura and Irina Castro (CES researchers).
  5. Q&A.
  6. Response and final considerations by the whole panel (mediator, speaker and panelists).

Bio Note

Cristiane Brandão Augusto - Post-Doctor in Gender Studies at the Center for Gender Studies and Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico; PhD in Human Sciences and Health by the Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro; Master in Juridical-Criminal Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra; Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Postgraduate Programme of the Nucleus of Public Policies in Human Rights and of the degree of the National Law Faculty, both of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Professor of the Graduate Programme in Law and Gender of the School of Magistracy of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Coordinator of the Latin American Observatory of Justice in Feminicide, section Brazil. Coordinator of the University Outreach Course "Popular Legal Prosecutors", for empowerment and female citizenship. Co-director of the documentaries "Juizados.doc" and "Não foi suicídio". Author of books and articles in Criminal Law, Criminology, Gender Violence and Access to Justice.