Conversations on masculinities
Gustavo Borges Mariano
José Sena
March 1, 2019, 15h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
General objective
To promote a space of dialogue, provocation and reflection on different performances of masculinities staged in everyday experiences, considering their different effects.
Specific objectives
- Promote a space of conversation about masculinities.
- Produce understandings about the participants' perception of "being a man", "masculinity", etc .;
- Motivate reflexivity about different types of masculinities. The idea is to question, in a simpler and more accessible way, what is at stake and the motivations behind the exercise of toxic masculinities;
- To motivate participants to produce some textual reflections on the theme with proposals of personal/social changes.
The seminar will conclude with the presentation of the book "De guri a cabra-macho: Masculinidades no Brasil" ((Lamparina/CNPq) | Eds: Márcio Caetano and Paulo Melgaço da Silva Junior.
[Paulo Melgaço da Silva Júnior is a postdoctoral fellow in Education (UFRJ) and Professor in the public network of Education of Duque de Caxias of the State of Rio de Janeiro // Márcio Caetano is leader of Nós do Sul (Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Identidades, Currículos e Culturas) and Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG).]
Bio notes of speakers
José Sena holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ / CNPq, and is a member of NUDES - Centre for Studies in Speeches and Society. Currently conducting a doctoral internship at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES / UC), where he develops research within the Queer studies.
Gustavo Borges Mariano holds a master's degree in Legal-Philosophical Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, a bachelor's degree in Law from the Federal University of Goiás and is a volunteer in the LGBTI Education Project of the Ex Aequo Network.